Sign on the University of Alabama campus that reads, "Where Legends Are Made."

2019–2020 DATA

2019 – 2020 Data

The University of Alabama’s College of Education provides impact and outcome indicators based on the eight annual measures designated by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

These measures allow the EPP to provide information to the general public about EPP program outcomes and EPP candidates’ and program completers’ impact on P-12 learning. Below are the eight CAEP measures with links that provide additional supporting evidence for the measures:


UA College of Education Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Highlights


edTPA is a nationally recognized performance-based assessment. Teacher candidates will participate in this process during their student teaching internship. The assessment focuses on the teaching and learning cycle of plan, instruct, and assess. Similar to other licensure exams, the edTPA adds prestige to the teaching profession by ensuring the quality of teacher candidates. edTPA portfolios are scored by highly trained educators from around the country on a double-blind platform, to promote unbiased scoring. Starting September 1, 2018, Alabama teacher candidates have been required to obtain a predetermined cut score on the edTPA to be eligible for a teacher certification. The University of Alabama provides multiple support systems to promote candidates’ success on the edTPA. To date, over 90% of the University’s teacher candidates have passed edTPA on their first attempt, and 100% of candidates have passed edTPA before graduation. The Stanford Center of Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE) at Stanford University developed edTPA and continues to monitor the effectiveness of this assessment. The University of Alabama EPP was recognized in 2021 by SCALE for “closing the gap across diverse communities of candidates and having a significant impact on candidate edTPA performance.” The College of Education at UA will continue to work with SCALE to ensure a continued excellence in teacher education, while also serving as a model for other programs.

Praxis Subject Assessments

Teacher candidates take the Praxis Subject Assessments tests as requirement to enter the teacher internship. Passing this content knowledge assessment is required as part of the Alabama State Department of Education’s certification process. According to Educational Testing Service (ETS), these assessments measure subject knowledge, as well as subject-specific and general teaching knowledge and skills. For the 2019-2020 academic year, over 90% of all candidates passed their respective content assessment on the first attempt.

Accreditations and Recognitions

To review UA COE programs currently recognized by national organizations, as well certification programs approved by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), please go to Accreditation.

Ability of Completers to Meet Licensing and Additional State Requirements (Initial & Advanced Levels)

Initial Certification Program Graduates

For the 2019-2020 AY, 100% of our completers meet the requirements for their applicable certification area as required by the Alabama State Department of Education and as part of their degree requirement.

  • All initial certification candidates are required to apply for Alabama certification.

Advanced Certification Program Graduates

For the 2019-2020 AY, 100% of our completers meet the requirements for their applicable certification area as required by the Alabama State Department of Education.

  • Advanced certification candidates must meet the certification requirements for their respective fields as part of their degree requirements; however, certification application is not required as a graduation requirement since distance learning candidates may apply for certification/licensure in their home states.

Student Loan Default Rates and Other Consumer Information (Initial & Advanced Levels)

2018-2019 Academic Year