Note: These procedures apply to complaints that are not addressed by an existing UA policy.

Student raises the issue of concern with the faculty member involved and tries to resolve the concern to the satisfaction of both parties. If the student is not comfortable with taking this first step, the student may proceed to Step 2.
If the first Step is taken, and no resolution is found, the student may file a formal complaint with the Department Head and offer any documentation in support of the complaint.
Once in receipt of the complaint, the Department Head is expected to work with the two parties to find a resolution to the mutual satisfaction of the parties. The Department Head is also expected to keep a documented record of the effort and to forward all documentation, as it pertains to the complaint, to the Senior Associate Dean (the Dean’s Designee) if the complaint remains unresolved.
Step 2 should take no longer than two weeks.
Should the problem remain unresolved, the complaint (and all of the accumulated documentation) is forwarded to the Senior Associate Dean. The Senior Associate Dean then investigates the complaint, surveys the documentation pertaining to the case and provides a summary to the Dean. The Dean then renders a final decision.
This final Step should not take any longer than two weeks.
For grade grievances, please go to Mediation and Grievance section of the University of Alabama Faculty Handbook.
If additional assistance is needed, please contact Dr. Joy Burnham, Senior Associate Dean at (205) 348-6051.