The Department of Curriculum and Instruction prepares prospective teachers committed to ethical instruction and disciplinary expertise who advance the intellectual and social conditions of all learners and prepares researchers and educational leaders for careers in university settings and in any number of government and precollege school settings. The Department of Curriculum and Instruction is comprised of programs in early childhood/elementary education and secondary curriculum, teaching, and learning.


The mission of the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy and Technology Studies is to prepare ethical and reflective practitioners, researchers, and scholars for work in K-12, higher education, and other educational settings. Through teaching and outreach the Department strives to promote the values, knowledge, and skills needed to improve education in the state and across the region; and through the scholarly activities of its faculty and students, contribute to national research. Leadership, in all areas, requires an understanding of curricular, instructional, supervisory, and administrative processes as well as an awareness of the ever-changing social, philosophical, historical, political, cultural, legal, moral, and economic contexts of education.
Programs offered through the Department meet this challenge by focusing on knowledge construction, learning, and pedagogy, and the development of professional practice that respects diversity, honors difference, and promotes social justice. The Department also maintains an on-going, open dialogue about school improvement through its association with various federal, state, and local educational agencies and professional organizations.

The Department of Educational Studies is committed to cultivating a scholarly community that celebrates values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Guided by these firm commitments, we embrace a holistic perspective of diversity, which includes race; ethnicity and national origin; gender, including gender identity and expressions; sexualities; age, socioeconomic status; disabilities; religion and spirituality; as well as other identities and ideologies. Our department strives to create and actively promote a welcoming and supportive environment where diverse perspectives are encouraged, recognized, and respected.

Kinesiology at The University of Alabama: MADE TO MOVE

Our mission is to disseminate new knowledge across diverse subdisciplines in Kinesiology while preparing students for careers in school, community, rehabilitative, health, medical, sport, and athletic settings. Consistent with the vision of the University of Alabama, we have a student-centered faculty committed to high quality teaching, research, and service endeavors.
We offer undergraduate and graduate degrees in Kinesiology with areas of study focused on Exercise Science and Sport Pedagogy/Physical Education. Housed in Wade Hall, our students and faculty utilize multiple state-of-the-art laboratories and workspaces in the pursuit of their personal and professional goals.

Bringing music into school-aged people’s lives is an exciting and rewarding profession. The thorough music training offered by the School of Music, the mastery of skills required in music education courses, and the chance to participate in the finest ensembles in the region are opportunities that set the UA Music Education programs apart from all others. Graduates of the UA programs are leaders in the profession throughout their careers.
At the bachelor’s level, students may choose an instrumental track, which prepares them to teach middle or high school band or orchestra, as well as elementary general music, or they may choose a choral track, which emphasizes middle or high school choral teaching, in addition to elementary general music. Graduate work develops research skills and the acquisition of advanced teaching and conducting techniques.

The uniquely high-quality preparation at all levels, which has characterized the UA Music Education programs for decades, has set the standard in Alabama. The faculty welcomes the chance to discuss what our programs offer with all prospective students and their families.


The Department of Special Education (and Multiple Abilities) serves, advocates, and seeks to enhance the quality of life for individuals, their families, educators, and employers by helping each student to realize their potential. Our ultimate goal is to instruct and equip teachers with knowledge using research-based practices that prepare them to meet the needs of student from birth into adulthood through home, school and community. Our department faculty, staff, and students conduct research and leverage evidence-based interventions and assessments to support collaborative, inclusive, equitable approaches across home, school, and community, with a focus on the strengths and needs of all children, students, educators, and families.