Drone shot of Autherine Lucy Hall


Office of Faculty Development

Faculty Mentor Awards – Deadline of March 7, 2025

The Offices of Faculty Development and Graduate Student Success are pleased to invite nominations for the inaugural College of Education Faculty Mentor Awards. These awards are intended to honor faculty who excel in mentoring students, those who have made a significant impact on students in the classroom and beyond, and those who have a consistently strong reputation for serving and supporting students throughout their career in the College of Education. For 2025, we are accepting nominations for two awards: 1) Graduate Mentor Award, and 2) Undergraduate Mentor Award.


  • Nominees should have a strong and continuing record of success in the mentorship of undergraduate or graduate students, per their respective award, over a significant portion of the candidate’s career.
  • Nominees should be positive professional role models, exhibiting personal integrity and high ethical standards.
  • For the Undergraduate Mentor Award nominees should demonstrate a strong influence on students’ academic and professional pursuits that may include excellence in teaching, inspiring student learning and innovation, supporting student awards/achievements/leadership, providing enriching experiences for students both within and outside of the classroom, and supporting undergraduate research, as relevant.
  • For the Graduate Mentor Award, nominees should demonstrate a strong influence on students’ academic and professional pursuits that may include opportunities such as funded research, co-authorship on publications, and co-presentations at national and/or international conferences, to name a few.
  • Nominees should demonstrate evidence of success of former UA students in their chosen careers, after they received their degrees
  • Nominees should at least be in their 4th year as faculty in the College of Education.
  • Faculty can be nominated for both awards but cannot receive both awards in the same award cycle.

Nomination Materials:

  • At least one, but no more than two letters of nomination from College of Education faculty (maximum of 2 pages, single-spaced from each nominator).
  • 2-3 letters of recommendation from former UA students (undergraduate or graduate students, depending on the award) who can speak to direct mentoring experiences (maximum of 2 pages, single-spaced from each student).
  • Optional: Other evidence of mentoring excellence.


  • Nomination packets for the Undergraduate Mentor Award should be submitted to Dr. Carol Donovan (cdonovan@ua.edu) by March 7, 2025.
  • Nomination packets for the Graduate Mentor Award should be submitted to Dr. Karri Holley (kaholley@ua.edu) by March 7, 2025.

Awards will be given at the final College-wide Meeting of the Spring 2025 semester.

Group of people mingling


The mission of the Office of Faculty Development is to cultivate faculty success and well-being through professionally sustaining programs.


The vision of this office is to:

  • support faculty through a mentoring program with special attention given to an onboarding program or early mentoring program for assistant professors;
  • cultivate a high rate of successful tenure and promotion decisions;
  • foster a positive work climate and a responsiveness to work/life concerns; and
  • strengthen the retention of faculty demonstrating high levels of professional accomplishment.
People talking amongst themselves



Faculty Mentoring Program

The College of Education’s Faculty Mentoring Program is a formal college-wide program that brings together junior and senior level faculty from across our six departments. Incoming assistant professors and clinical assistant professors are matched with two mentors at the advanced assistant, associate, or full professor levels. The goal is to match faculty with one colleague from their home department as well as one mentor outside their home department to offer multiple points of support and varied perspectives. Incoming associate or full professors are matched with one mentor at rank or higher, unless requested otherwise. Mentors and mentees are encouraged to connect throughout the academic year and are provided with resources (see Dialogue Sparkers below) to build generative, meaningful, and sustaining relationships.

If you are a College of Education assistant professor or clinical assistant professor and you would like to participate in this program, please contact Kelly Guyotte.

First-Year Faculty Support (2024-2025)

To support all incoming first-year faculty in the College of Education, the Office of Faculty Development will host four First-Year Faculty breakfasts in 2024-2025, two in fall semester and two in spring semester. These breakfasts provide opportunities for all first-year faculty to: 1) cultivate opportunities for ongoing connection and community, 2) dialogue, check in, and brainstorm with one another about professional experiences, and 3) become acquainted with the College of Education senior-level administration (i.e., Deans and Associate Deans).

First-Year Faculty Breakfasts for 2024-2025

DateGetting to Know
Wednesday, September 18, 2024, from 9:00- 10:00Joyce Alexander, Dean
Wednesday, November 6, 2024, from 9:00- 10:00David Hardy, Associate Dean
Thursday, February 6, 2025, from 9:00- 10:00Joy Burnham, Senior Associate Dean
Thursday, April 10, 2025, from 9:00- 10:00Emily Sims, Associate Dean

In addition, all first-year faculty are strongly encouraged to attend two sessions intended to help faculty learn about “Faculty Success”, which serves as the platform through which tenure and promotion dossiers and merit review content is uploaded and submitted.

Virtual Brown Bags (2024-2025)

Throughout 2024-2025, the Office of Faculty Development will host Virtual Brown Bags. Virtual Brown Bags are an opportunity for faculty to spend their lunch hour learning about opportunities in the College of Education and to get to know various offices and supports at UA.

September 26, 2024, from 12:00-1:00Getting to Know: UA Teaching Academy with Claire Major
October 15, 2024, from 12:00-1:00Getting to Know: Grant and Research Support with UA Libraries
Part I, Part II
November 7, 2024, from 12:00-1:00Elevate Research Grants Informational Meeting with Kelly Guyotte
December 4, 2024, from 12:00-1:00Grant Writing Fellows Informational Meeting with Kelly Guyotte
January 16, 2025, from 12:00-1:00The Fulbright Scholar Program & OIP with Kagendo Mutua
February 27, 2025, from 12:00-1:00Cultivating School Partnerships with Holly Morgan and Joy Burnham
March 18, 2025 from 12:00-1:00Getting to Know: Center for Instructional Technology + Blackboard Ultra with Karen Burns and Melissa Fortson
April 16, 2025, from 12:00-1:00Getting to Know: Office of Community-Based Partnerships & Faculty Engagement Tours


In collaboration with the Office of Research and Service, the Office of Faculty Development offers grant support and grant-related professional development opportunities throughout the academic year. These grant support opportunities are designed to build grant-writing skills and support faculty efforts in developing and submitting high quality proposals to a funding agency or foundation.

Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year are due in February 2024. 

COE Grant Workshops for 2024-2025

August 27, 2024, from 12:00-1:00Faculty Success Workshop for Tenure & Promotion with David Hardy
September 5, 2024, from 12:00-1:00Research ASSIST Office and the Small Grants Program with Lisa Joiner
October 22, 2024, from 12:00-1:00Visualizing & Cultivating Collaborative Grant Research Teams with Kristine Jolivette, Sara Sanders, & Olivia Hester
November 12, 2024, from 12:00-1:00RFP and Proposal Development with David Hardy
January 23, 2025, from 12:00-1:00Developing Grant Budgets with Renita Lewis and Kelsey Kerzman
January 30, 2025, from 12:00-1:00Advanced Grant Budgets with Renita Lewis and Kelsey Kerzman
February 18, 2025, from 12:00-1:00Post-Award with Lori Burroughs
March 4, 2025, from 12:00-1:00Introduction to IRB with Kory
April 1, 2025, from 12:00-1:00Authorship Ethics for Research and Scholarly Publications with Kory Trott

COE Grant Writing Fellows Program

The Grant Writing Fellows Program is a competitive fellowship program that was initiated to support external grant seeking of those working toward tenure and promotion. The goal of this program is to enhance and extend the culture of grant writing support and success, helping faculty members at the 3rd and 4th year on the tenure track with grant-getting aspirations to achieve their goals.

Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year are due in February 2025. 

2024-2025 Grant Writing Fellows

Dr. Shena Crystel Sanchez, Department of Educational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling

Dr. Courtney O’Grady, Department of Special Education

Dr. Jewoong Moon, Department of Educational Leadership, Policy and Technology Studies

2023-2024 Grant Writing Fellows

Dr. Chunhua Cao, Educational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling

Dr. Marissa Filderman, Special Education and Multiple Abilities

Dr. Kristen Lamb, Special Education and Multiple Abilities

Dr. JoonHo Lee, Educational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling

Dr. Kaiwen Man, Educational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling

Dr. Macarena SuĂĄrez Pellicioni, Educational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling

2022-2023 Grant Writing Fellows

Dr. Elroy Aguiar, Kinesiology

Dr. Emily Lund, Educational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling

Dr. Jee Suh, Curriculum & Instruction

Dr. Lee Winchester, Kinesiology

Line with elephant on the right


Because academics carry myriad experiences, roles, and responsibilities both inside and outside of the academy, the Office of Faculty Development seeks to support faculty as whole people.

The Flourish Fellowship

As such, each academic year brings a focus on relevant aspects of the whole person faculty experience. In 2024-2025, the spotlight faculty development series is called “The Flourish Fellowship” led by academic coach Brooke Hofsess.

The Flourish Fellowship aims to infuse courage and creativity into the career trajectory of our faculty participants. It is a structured program that spans eight sessions over the course of the academic year, providing faculty with the tools, concepts, and support necessary to shift from overextended to fulfilled.

The program is designed to support faculty that gravitate towards work they can ace (or to the logical step in front of them)—leaving their most ambitious and bold aspirations unfulfilled. Flourish Fellows will learn to distinguish between pursuits that deplete their resources and those that foster growth and fulfillment, equipping them with new strategies to recognize and act on these distinctions.

Workshop Schedule: Please mark your calendar for any and all sessions of interest. All workshops are held via Zoom from 12:00-1:15 pm.

  • Workshop 1: Establishing Healthy Limits for Sustainable Fulfillment ~ Friday, September 13
  • Workshop 2: Embracing Creative Risks and Radical Responsibility ~ Friday, September 20
  • Workshop 3: Pursuing Gift Goals ~ Friday, October 11
  • Workshop 4: Building Success Architecture ~ Friday, October 25
  • Workshop 5: Differentiating Between Not Enough and Good Enough Thinking ~ Friday, November 8
  • Workshop 6: Implementing Pilots for Quick, Exciting Progress ~ Friday, November 15
  • Individual Coaching: Available from February 7
  • Workshop 6: Navigating Uncertainty ~ Friday, February 7
  • Workshop 8: Flourishing Futures ~ Friday, April 4

The Faculty Development Book Club

In spring 2024, fifteen faculty members gathered to extend conversations about leadership through a group reading of BrenĂ© Brown’s Dare to Lead. Due to an overwhelming request for more, faculty are invited to continue reflecting about leadership practices through Talia Fox’s The Power of Conscious Connection. Faculty at all stages of their careers are invited to participate in this 3-part book club that will meet in September and October 2024. Books will be provided; however, participation is limited to fifteen faculty, so register early to reserve a spot.

College of Education Faculty can contact Kelly Guyotte for more information about The Flourish Fellowship and the Book Club.