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Office of Clinical Experiences

The Office of Clinical Experiences (OCE) was established to coordinate the placement of undergraduate students, alternative certification program students, and graduate program students enrolled in educator preparation programs requiring field placements and internships. Major relationships have been established with principals and instructional supervisors in local school systems in the west Alabama area and, to a limited extent, other school systems in Alabama.

Main Office:  107 Carmichael Hall

Teacher Candidates

Field Experiences Documents

Student Information FormDocumented Areas and Topics to Address in Clinical Experiences
Requests for Field Experiences (completed by course instructor)Field Experience Guidebook
Music Education Non-course based Practicum

Internship Documents

Biographical Data FormDocumented Areas and Topics to Address in Clinical Experiences
SAEA Membership
Biographical Data Form InstructionsCalendar
Course Overload FormInternship Guidebook

Consortium for Overseas Student Teaching (COST)

Currently accepting pre-applications for Fall 2024.  The COST Pre-Applications deadline has been extended to January 5, 2024. 

Currently accepting pre-applications for Spring 2025.  The COST Pre-Applications deadline for Spring 2025 is May 1, 2024. 

Those who wish to apply for the COST Program should submit an essay and pre-application either in person or by email to the following:

Dr. Tracy M. Windle

Mrs. Melinda Alsobrook

107 Carmichael Hall

Formal Application Process

COST Pre-ApplicationCOST Program Website
COST Facebook PageCOST Pre-Departure Guide

Advanced Clinical / Graduate Students

Graduate Student Information Forms (DocuSign)Requests for Field Experiences (DocuSign completed by course instructor)
Permission Form for Graduate Level Field Experience (DocuSign)Graduate Placements Guidebook

Classroom Teachers

The Office of Clinical Experiences and College of Education value its partnership with the area schools and classroom teachers.  Thank you for your willingness to open your classrooms to teacher candidates and interns. 

Documents for the Classroom Teacher

Agreement to Host and Mentor a Teacher Candidate (DocuSign)Internship Guidebook
Field Experience GuidebookDocumented Areas and Topics to Address in Clinical Experiences
Graduate Placements GuidebookCalendar

Clinical Master Teacher (CMT) Program

Classroom teachers who have a Class A valid teaching certificate or hold National Board Certification in a teaching field, have been teaching for 4 full years, and have been successful in hosting two full semesters of interns are eligible to apply to the CMT Program. 

CMT Documents (links to be updated in late Spring each year)

Responsibilities and QualificationsNew CMT Cover Page (DocuSign)
Prospective Clinical Master Teacher Minimum RequirementsCMT Reappointment Application (DocuSign)
Guidance for applying to be a CMT
New CMT applications and CMT reappointment applications will be accepted in February and March.  CMTs interested in applying for the 2024-2025 CMT program must submit their applications by March 31, 2024.  Applications will not be accepted after March 31st

Principals and Superintendents

The Office of Clinical Experiences and College of Education value its partnership with the area schools. Thank you for your willingness to open your schools to teacher candidates, interns, and graduate students. 

Documents for Principals and Superintendents

Field Experience GuidebookProspective Clinical Master Teacher Minimum Requirements
Graduate Placements GuidebookGuidance for applying to be a CMT
Internship GuidebookDocumented Areas and Topics to Address in Clinical Experiences

Watermark Student Learning & Licensure (SLL)

Website:  www.vialivetext.comSLL Time Log Instructions for Internship
SLL Time Log Instructions for Field ExperienceSLL Instructions for Classroom Teachers

University Supervisors

Mileage FormsInternship Guidebook
Field Experience GuidebookSupervisors Guidebook
Graduate Placements GuidebookDocumented Areas and Topics to Address in Clinical Experiences

College of Education Faculty/Staff

Documented Areas and Topics to Address in Clinical Experiences (DocuSign)Requests for Field Experiences (DocuSign completed by course instructor)

Field Experience Placements Links

Student Information Form (DocuSign)Field Experience Guidebook

Advanced Clinicals / Graduate Students Links

Graduate Student Information Forms (DocuSign)Permission Form for Graduate Level Field Experience (DocuSign)
Graduate Placements Guidebook

Meet our Staff