woman in office at night, working and research idea with mockup screen

Educational Research

Educational Research


The Educational Research program at the University of Alabama focuses on Research Methodology and prepares scholars to critically engage in educational research and evaluation, develop appropriate and innovative research designs, and contribute conceptually sound analyses to the overlapping fields of education, the social sciences, and the health sciences.  The strength of our program centers around a core of collaborative faculty and prominent scholars who remain dedicated to the development and application of dynamic research methodologies situated within contemporary conceptual frameworks.  Areas of specialization within our degree program include qualitative methods, quantitative methods, mixed-methodology, psychometrics, and evaluation.

Committed to Diversity

The UA Educational Research Program is committed to cultivating a scholarly community that celebrates values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Guided by these firm commitments, we embrace a holistic perspective of diversity, which includes race; ethnicity and national origin; gender, including gender identity and expressions; sexualities; age, socioeconomic status; disabilities; religion and spirituality; as well as other identities and ideologies. Our program strives to create and actively promote a welcoming and supportive environment where diverse perspectives are encouraged, recognized, and respected.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Stacey Hughey-Surman




The Educational Research Program also houses two specialized certificates:  Graduate Certificate in Qualitative Research and Graduate Certificate in Quantitative Educational Research.  These certificates are open to any other degree program outside of Educational Research and require 15 credit hours of BER courses.

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