University of Alabama Seal


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B.S. in Kinesiology (Exercise Science Concentration) and M.A. in KinesiologyAccelerated Master’s Program (AMP)
B.S. in Mathematics (Mathematics Education Concentration) and M.A. in Secondary EducationAccelerated Master’s Program (AMP)


Clinical Mental Health CounselingMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Counselor EducationDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Counselor Education (School Counseling Certification)Education Specialist (Ed.S.)
Curriculum and InstructionDoctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Curriculum and InstructionDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Educational LeadershipMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Educational LeadershipMaster of Arts (M.A.) Online
Educational LeadershipDoctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Educational LeadershipDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Educational Leadership (Instructional Leadership Certification)Education Specialist (Ed.S.) Online
Educational Leadership (online) with certification in School Library Media Specialist (online)Education Specialist (Ed.S.)
Educational Leadership (Teacher Leader Certification) (online)Education Specialist (Ed.S.) Online
Educational Leadership with certification in Class AA Instructor LeaderEducation Specialist (Ed.S.)
Educational NeuroscienceBachelor of Science
Educational PsychologyMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Educational PsychologyDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Educational Psychology Learning and AssessmentMaster of Arts (M.A.) Online
Educational Psychology with a Educational Neuroscience ConcentrationDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Educational Psychology/School Psychometry (MA)/Educational Psychology /School Psychology (EdS) (blended)Master of Arts (M.A.) Online
Educational Psychology/School Psychometry (MA)/Educational Psychology /School Psychology (EdS) (blended)Education Specialist (Ed.S.) Online
Educational Research Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Elementary EducationMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Elementary EducationMaster of Arts (M.A.) Online
Elementary EducationEducational Specialist (Ed.S.) Online
Elementary Education with certification in Elementary Education and Early Education (K-6 and PreK-3)Bachelor of Science in Education


Higher Education AdministrationMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Higher Education AdministrationMaster of Arts (M.A.) Online
Higher Education AdministrationĀ (traditional format)Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Higher Education AdministrationĀ (Executive Cohort) (blended)Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Online
Higher Education AdministrationDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Instructional Leadership with an Instructional Technology ConcentrationDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Instructional Leadership with a Nurse Educator ConcentrationĀ (blended)Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Instructional Leadership with a Social and Cultural Studies ConcentrationDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Instructional Technology (online)Master of Arts (M.A.)


Kinesiology (Exercise Science)Bachelor of Science
KinesiologyMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Kinesiology with certification in Sport Pedagogy (P-12)Alternative Masterā€™s Program (M.A.)
Kinesiology Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Music Education with certification in Instrumental MusicBachelor of Science in Education
Music Education with certification in Choral MusicBachelor of Science in Education


Nurse Educators (blended)Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Online


Rehabilitation Counseling (Online)Master of Arts (M.A.)


School CounselingMaster of Arts (M.A.)
School Psychology (blended) with certification in School PsychologyEducational Specialist (Ed.S.)
Secondary EducationMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Secondary Education ScienceEducation Specialist (Ed.S.) Online
Secondary Education with certification in Biology (6-12)Alternative Master’s Program (M.A.)
Secondary Education with certification in Biology (6-12)Educational Specialist (Ed.S.)
Secondary Education with certification in Chemistry (6-12)Alternative Master’s Program (M.A.)
Secondary Education with certification in Chemistry (6-12)Educational Specialist (Ed.S.)
Secondary Education with certification in English as a Second Language (P-12)Alternative Master’s Program (M.A.)
Secondary Education with certification in English for Speakers of Other Languages (P-12)Educational Specialist (Ed.S.)
Secondary Education with certification in English Language Arts (6-12)Bachelor of Science in Education
Secondary Education with certification in English Language Arts (6-12)Alternative Master’s Program (M.A.)
Secondary Education with certification in English Language Arts (6-12)Educational Specialist (Ed.S.)
Secondary Education with certification in Foreign Language (French, German, or Spanish) (6-12 or P-12)Bachelor of Science in Education
Secondary Education with certification in Foreign Language (French, German, or Spanish) (6-12 or P-12)Alternative Master’s Program (M.A.)
Secondary Education with certification in General Social Science (6-12)Bachelor of Science in Education
Secondary Education with certification in General Social Science (6-12)Alternative Master’s Program (M.A.)
Secondary Education with certification in Geography (6-12)Alternative Master’s Program (M.A.)
Secondary Education with certification in Geography (6-12)Educational Specialist (Ed.S.)
Secondary Education with certification in History (6-12)Educational Specialist (Ed.S.)
Secondary Education with certification in Mathematics (6-12)Bachelor of Science in Education
Secondary Education with certification in Mathematics (6-12)Alternative Master’s Program (M.A.)
Secondary Education with certification in Mathematics (6-12)Educational Specialist (Ed.S.)
Secondary Education with certification in Physics (6-12)Alternative Master’s Program (M.A.)
Secondary Education with certification in Science (6-12)Bachelor of Science in Education
Secondary Education: English for Speakers of Other Languages P-12 CertificationMaster of Arts (M.A.) Online
Secondary Education: English Language Arts, 6-12 CertificationMaster of Arts (M.A.) Online
Secondary Education: General Social Science, 6-12 CertificationMaster of Arts (M.A.) Online
Secondary Education: Science Education, 6-12 CertificationMaster of Arts (M.A.) Online
Special EducationMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Special EducationDoctor of Education (Ed.D.) Online
Special EducationDoctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Special Education (Collaborative K-6 or 6-12)Master of Arts (M.A.) Online
Special Education (Gifted and Talented)Master of Arts (M.A.) Online
Special Education (online)Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Special Education with certification in Collaborative Special Education Teacher (K-6 or 6-12)Educational Specialist (Ed.S.)
Special Education with certification in Collaborative Special Education Teacher (K-6 or 6-12)Bachelor of Science in Education
Special Education with certification in Early Childhood Special EducationEducational Specialist (Ed.S.)
Special Education with certification in Early Childhood Special EducationBachelor of Science in Education
Special Education with certification in GiftedEducational Specialist (Ed.S.)
Special Education with certification in Multiple Abilities ProgramBachelor of Science in Education