For most College and departmental scholarships, students will need to reapply every year to be considered for renewal.
What type of first-time freshman are you? Learn more about your opportunities and deadlines.
The scholarship application must be completed and submitted online through your myBama account. Once you are logged in, you will click on the Admissions/Scholarships tab and then inside the Scholarships box click the Alabama Scholarship Award Manager link. Below is a list of education scholarships. You will NOT see them listed in myBama however.

Scholarship | Priority of Consideration |
Ann and Patience Stevens Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to outstanding female students with majors in the Department of Kinesiology who possess a 2.0 or higher-grade point average on a 4.0 scale. Awards are made based on scholarship, interest, service to the Department of Kinesiology, and financial need, although not necessarily need as defined by federal guidelines. |
Ann Cooper Kelly Memorial Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to students who are enrolled in the College of Education and who graduated from a high school in Autauga County, Alabama. Second priority of consideration is given to students who are enrolled in the College of Education and who graduated from a high school in Chilton, Coosa, Elmore or Tallapoosa counties in Alabama. The Donor Representative desires that four undergraduate students be supported by this scholarship for eight semesters provided the recipient’s performance and academic progress is satisfactory. |
Anne C. Witt Endowed Music Education Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to full-time undergraduate students who are majoring in music education at The University of Alabama. Each student must already be admitted into the Teacher Education Program (TEP), possess a 3.0 or higher grade point average on a 4.0 scale, be in good standing with the University, express a commitment to completing the requirements for a music education degree, complete a written application, provide a current college transcript, and complete an essay stating the reasons for wanting to teach music. Essays will be evaluated on the basis of spelling and grammar, as well as depth of thinking and commitment. The scholarship selection committee named herein may consider financial need, although not necessarily need as defined by federal guidelines. The purpose of the scholarship is to recognize and reward highly motivated deserving students who are pursuing music education degrees. Scholarship recipients will be referred to as Witt Music Education Scholars. |
Scholarship | Priority of Consideration |
Betty B. and Edward L. Englebert Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to students enrolled full-time in the College of Education who are pursuing bachelor’s degrees in secondary education in the area of science, math, English, social science, or foreign language; master’s degrees in counseling; or doctorates in administration. Recipients are selected based on scholarship, leadership, and potential for success, with preference given to those who graduated from public high schools in Alabama. To the extent permitted by law, priority of consideration for graduate students pursuing doctorates in administration is given to female students. |
Betty Waite Graves Zoller Endowed Education Scholarship | Priority of consideration shall be given to junior or senior level students enrolled in College of Education who graduated from a high school within the state of Alabama, who have been admitted to the Teacher Education Program and who demonstrate good moral character and a good work ethic. Financial need, although not necessarily need as defined by federal guidelines, may be considered but may not be the sole criteria for this scholarship. |
Board of Advisors Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration shall be given to undergraduate students enrolled full-time in the College of Education. |
Scholarship | Priority of Consideration |
Capstone Education Society Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to undergraduate or graduate students in the College of Education. It is the donor’s intent that endowment earnings be used to award on scholarship each year, initially equal to $1,000. |
Charles S., Jr. & Lucile Roberts Fletcher Endowed Scholarship | Scholarships from this fund are awarded to full-time students in education, preferably studying elementary education, with priority for the award given to graduates of public high schools in Baldwin County, Alabama, and second priority to graduates of other Alabama high schools; renewable. |
Carol E. Medders Scholarship in Education | Priority of consideration is given to students enrolled in the College of Education who graduated from high schools in the state of Alabama, who maintain a minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, who have been admitted to the Teacher Education Program, and who demonstrate financial need, although not necessarily need as defined by federal guidelines. |
Charlotte Moore Endowed Scholarship in Education | Priority of consideration is given to students enrolled in the College of Education at The University of Alabama who have been accepted into the Multiple Abilities Program (MAP) and who maintain at least a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale. |
Curry Bedsole Adams Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration shall be given to students enrolled in the College of Education. |
Scholarship | Priority of Consideration |
Dana B. and W. Anthony Davis III Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to undergraduate students in the College of Education. |
Davis A. Spain CrossingPoints Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to students who are enrolled at the University and are attending the CrossingPoints Tier 3 program, and who demonstrate financial need, although not necessarily need as defined by federal guidelines. |
Deanna P. Kimbrough Scholarship in English Literature | Priority of consideration is given to undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Education, who have maintained a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, who graduated from a high school within the state of Alabama, who are pursuing an English or literature certification for K-12, who intend to teach English or literature in the public school system within the state of Alabama, and who demonstrate financial need, although not necessarily need as defined by federal guidelines. |
Deegee Downs Schroeder Endowed Education Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to students who are enrolled in the College of Education, who are majoring in elementary education and who graduated from Calera High School in Calera, Alabama. Second priority of consideration is given to students who are enrolled in the College of Education and who graduated from Calera High School in Calera, Alabama. The scholarship is renewable as long as the recipient remains in good standing in the College of Education. |
Doctors Catherine C. and George W. Hansberry Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to students enrolled in the College of Education at The University of Alabama. |
Dr. and Mrs. W. Donald Crump Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to students who have earned an associate degree or the equivalent at an Alabama community college, have initiated plans to transfer to The University of Alabama, and are planning to pursue a degree in the College of Education, which will lead to teacher certification. It is the donor’s intent that applicants shall be selected on the basis of demonstrated academic excellence, leadership, and commitment to teaching and must submit 100-word essay describing their commitment to teaching. Notification of the scholarship and application procedure shall be sent to each community college in Alabama as deemed appropriate by the standing scholarship committee of the College of Education. |
Drs. Barbara and Brad Adams Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to rising juniors and seniors enrolled in the College of Education who have declared education as their major. |
Dr. Edward H. Cleino Endowed Scholarship | Full-time graduate or undergraduate students who are enrolled in a music education program in the College of Education and who demonstrate academic achievement. Students must possess a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale to be eligible for this award. Uses for the fund may include, but not be limited to, tuition, fees, instruments, equipment, books, or private lessons. |
Dr. Frank Ashley Family Endowed Scholarship | |
DR. HUGH H. STEGALL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP IN EDUCATION | Priority of consideration is given to students who graduated from a high school in Sumter County, Alabama, and who demonstrate financial need, although not necessarily need as defined by federal guidelines. Second priority of consideration is given to students who graduated from a high school in the state of Alabama and who demonstrate financial need, although not necessarily need as defined by federal guidelines. The scholarship may be renewable for each of the subsequent years of a recipient’s undergraduate or graduate education provided the scholarship committee deems the recipient’s performance and academic progress satisfactory and provided the recipient remains enrolled in the College of Education. |
Dr. Margaret Adeline Coleman Endowed Memorial Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the College of Education. |
Dr. William F. Clipson and Madolyn Chambers Clipson Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to students enrolled in the College of Education who demonstrate financial need and who possess a minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale. |
Dr. William Spear Richardson III and Melba Bolton Richardson Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Education majoring in secondary education who plan to teach chemistry, who maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale, and who are U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents. Second priority of consideration is given to students who plan to teach physics and meet the above criteria, and third priority is given to students who plan to teach mathematics and meet the above criteria. |
Scholarship | Priority of Consideration |
Earl W. and Ruth Killian Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to outstanding full-time students enrolled in the College of Education who are majoring in kinesiology, physical education teacher education, or exercise and sport science. |
Ethel M. O’Mary Boshell Endowed Education Scholarship | First priority of consideration shall be given to incoming freshmen who possess a minimum ACT score of 30 or a comparable score on the SAT counterpart. Because Henry Lloyd O’Mary and Ethel M. O’Mary Boshell grew to maturity in the secondary schools of Walker and Winston counties in Alabama and appreciate the need for quality teachers in the region, the donor desires that second priority of consideration be given to incoming freshmen from Walker and Winston counties. It is the donor’s desire that the scholarships help attract students to courses of study in the College of education that lead to a degree in secondary education. |
Scholarship | Priority of Consideration |
Finley – Crews Endowed Scholarship for Teacher Education | Priority is given to residents of Clay, Coosa, or Randolph Counties who specialize in math or the sciences, who have been accepted into the Teacher Education Program within the College of Education, and who have a 3.0 to 4.0 grade point average. |
Floyd M. Zeigler and Julia Zeigler Sutton Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to students enrolled in the College of Education. Preference is given to students who are studying special education. |
FRAN BOND AND ED HOLMES ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP | To the extent permitted by law, priority of consideration is given to male students enrolled in The University of Alabama’s early childhood or elementary education programs in the College of Education and who intend to teach students in any grade from pre-kindergarten to grade six. The recipient of the scholarship is chosen in accordance with the procedures developed in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the regulations promulgated thereunder. |
Scholarship | Priority of Consideration |
George & Billie Layton Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to full-time juniors or seniors in the College of Education who possess a 3.25 or higher grade point average on a 4.0 scale. Among qualified applicants, the deciding factor is financial need. |
George S. & Betty B. Shirley Endowed Scholarship in Special Education | The award is given preferably to junior-level students pursuing a degree in the special education program or its equivalent. |
George William Hansberry, MD, Memorial Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to students enrolled in the College of Education at The University of Alabama. |
Geraldine Masterson Chase Memorial Endowed Education Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to students who are enrolled in the College of Education, with a preference to those majoring in elementary education, who graduated from a high school in the state of Alabama or South Carolina. |
Gordon and Ann Rosen Endowed Education Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to full-time juniors or seniors in the College of education who demonstrate financial need, although not necessarily need as defined by federal guidelines. It is the donor’s desire that the recipient demonstrate a clear intention to pursue a career as a professional public school educator. |
Guy Gilliland Memorial Endowed Scholarship | Priority for the award is given to students with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, who have been accepted into the Teacher Education Program, or the equivalent, and who intend to pursue a degree in Special Education. Applicants are graduates of public or private high schools in Tuscaloosa County. The selection committee may consider financial need. |
Scholarship | Priority of Consideration |
Harold E. Greer Sr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to incoming freshmen who are graduates of public high schools in the city of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, possess a minimum grade average of “B,” and plan to pursue a career in teaching. Second priority of consideration is given to third and fourth year students already enrolled in the teacher education program in the College of Education who are graduates of public high schools in the city of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and possess a minimum grade average of “B.” Among all qualified applicants, financial need is also a consideration. |
Hazel K. Nabors Memorial Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration shall be given to undergraduate students enrolled full time in the College of Education who desire to become teachers. |
Helen and Pat O’Sullivan Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Education |
Helene DeBlanc Crow Memorial Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to students enrolled in the College of Education who demonstrate financial need, although not necessarily as defined by federal guidelines. |
Henry Lloyd O’Mary Endowed Education Scholarship | First priority of consideration shall be given to incoming freshmen who possess a minimum ACT score of 30 or a comparable score on the SAT counterpart; renewable (min. 3.0 GPA). Because Henry Lloyd O’Mary and Ethel M. O’Mary Boshell grew to maturity in the secondary schools of Walker and Winston counties in Alabama and appreciate the need for quality teachers in the region, the donor desires that second priority of consideration be given to incoming freshmen from Walker and Winston counties. It is the donor’s desire that the scholarships help attract students to courses of study in the College of Education that lead to a degree in secondary education. |
Scholarship | Priority of Consideration |
James C. Inzer, Jr. /Alabama Power Endowed Scholarship | full-time students enrolled in undergraduate study in the College of Education at the University of Alabama. Such recipients must demonstrate academic aptitude and be graduates of an Alabama high school. |
James Harris Fitts Endowed Scholarship | Scholarships from this fund are awarded to students under the age of 23 years of age who teach in Alabama or who plan to teach in Alabama. |
James Ollie and Mazie Tanner Family Endowed Scholarship | The endowment earnings are used to provide scholarships for students at the University. Scholarship awards may be used to assist one or more students with expenses related to attending the University, including, but not limited to, tuition, books, miscellaneous supplies, room, and board. Scholarships are awarded based on the following criteria: To the extent permitted by law, first priority of consideration is given to first generation students whose enrollment would enhance the diversity of the College of Education’s student population, thereby improving the quality of the College’s educational experience and product. Second priority of consideration is given to students enrolled in the College of Education whose enrollment would enhance the diversity of the College of Education’s student population, thereby improving the quality of the College’s educational experience and product. Third priority of consideration is given to students enrolled in the College of Education who are residents of Alabama or Texas. |
Jim & Ann Hayes Endowed Scholarship | Priority for the award is given to students pursuing degrees in the College of Education. |
Joan and Wray Pearce Endowed Scholarship in Education | Priority of consideration is given to students who are enrolled in the College of Education, have a minimum of a “B” grade average, have demonstrated good citizenship, and have financial need, although not necessarily need as defined by federal guidelines. |
Joanna S. Hodgkins Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to undergraduate students in the College of Education who show potential for success. It is the donors’ intent that the endowment earnings be used to support students who have faced hardships in their lives or who may not otherwise be able to attend college due to financial need; renewable. |
Scholarship | Priority of Consideration |
Karen M. Spearing Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to students enrolled in the College of Education who are first-generation college students majoring in special education and who demonstrate financial need, although not necessarily need as defined by federal guidelines. |
Kathleen Patrick Hughes Endowed Scholarship in Education | First priority of consideration is given to graduates of Holt High School or Paul W. Bryant High School who are enrolled in the College of Education. Second priority of consideration is given to students who are enrolled in the College of Education and are members of the Kappa Delta Sorority. Third Priority of consideration is given to students enrolled in the College of Education. |
Kathy Neugent Mouron Scholarship | Priority of consideration shall be given to (undergraduate) full-time students in the College of Education who are majoring in special education, possess a 3.0 or greater GPA on a 4.0 scale, and demonstrate financial need, although not necessarily as defined by federal guidelines. |
Scholarship | Priority of Consideration |
Laura and James Condra Endowed Scholarship | First priority of consideration is given to full-time undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the College of Education. Second priority of consideration is given to students who demonstrate financial need. |
Lurener Isaac Speight Endowed Scholarship | First priority of consideration shall be given to freshman students who are enrolled in the College of Education, who graduated from a high school within the Sumter County, Alabama, public school system, and who meet the minimum scholarship requirements to attend The University of Alabama. Second priority of consideration shall be given to freshman students who have graduated from a high school within the Sumter County, Alabama, public school system and who meet the minimum scholarship requirements to attend The University of Alabama. The donor intends for this scholarship to primarily help incoming freshmen in their first years of school. However, if there are no other qualified applicants the scholarship may be awarded to upper-division students within the College of Education who have graduated from a high school within Sumter County, Alabama, public school system. |
Scholarship | Priority of Consideration |
Manasa Suri Annual CrossingPoints Scholarship | Priority of consideration shall be given to students enrolled in the CrossingPoints Certificate in Occupational Studies (CCOS) program in the College of Education who demonstrate financial need, although not necessarily need as defined by federal guidelines. |
Margaret Y. O’Neal Endowed Education Scholarship | First priority of consideration is given to graduate students from Alabama who have a social studies concentration (i.e. geography, political science, history, etc.) and are employed and teaching in an Alabama public school. Second priority of consideration is given to graduate students from Alabama who are enrolled in the alternative certification program for teacher education with a concentration in social studies. Third priority of consideration is given to graduate students from Alabama who a have a concentration in literacy or Secondary English/Language Arts and are employed and teaching in an Alabama public school. If no award is made in a given year, the monies accrued are used for multiple awards using these criteria the following year. Among qualified applicants, the deciding factor is financial need, although not necessarily need as defined by federal guidelines. |
Martha Ann Maxwell Allen Memorial Endowed Scholarship | First priority of consideration is given to full-time undergraduate students in the College of Education who demonstrate financial need, whose academic records indicate a reasonable probability of success, and who graduated from high schools in Escambia County, Alabama. Second priority of consideration is given to full-time undergraduate students in the College of Education who demonstrate financial need, whose academic records indicate a reasonable probability of success, and who graduated from high schools elsewhere in the state of Alabama. |
Mark & Marian Berkin Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to full-time students pursuing degrees in the College of Education. It is the donors’ intent that an average student with financial need be considered equally eligible to receive the scholarship as a higher achieving student with less financial need, provided the recipient passes all courses and maintains a minimum 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale. |
Mark & Marian Berkin Physical Education Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to deserving undergraduate students of physical education. It is the donors’ intent that an average student with financial need be considered equally eligible to receive the scholarship as a higher achieving student with less financial need, provided the recipient passes all courses and maintains a minimum 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale. |
Mary Emma Key McKinley Endowed Scholarship | Early Childhood/Elementary Education undergraduate major. |
Mary M. & Lee W. Gregg Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to full-time undergraduate students who are enrolled in the College of Education and who are pursuing a degree through MAP (the Multiple Abilities Program). Recipients are selected on the basis of intellectual qualifications. Consideration is given to students with financial needs. |
Matthew Frazier Memorial Scholarship in Special Education | Priority of consideration given to rising seniors (undergraduate) majoring in special education in the College of Education who plan to pursue careers as special education teachers, with additional preference given to those students who plan to work with the severely and profoundly disabled. |
Scholarship | Priority of Consideration |
Nercelia Stepney Crowther and Howard Crowther Endowed Scholarship | First priority of consideration is given to undergraduate students who graduated from a high school in Mississippi, have at least a 2.85 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, whose enrollment would enhance the diversity of the College of Education’s student population, thereby improving the quality of the College of Education’s educational experience and product, and who demonstrate financial need, although not necessarily need as defined by federal guidelines. Second priority of consideration is given to undergraduate students who graduated from a high school in Madison or Jefferson counties in Alabama, have at least a 2.85 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, whose enrollment would enhance the diversity of the College of Education’s student population, thereby improving the quality of the College of Education’s educational experience and product, and who demonstrate financial need, although not necessarily need as defined by federal guidelines. Third priority of consideration is given to undergraduate students who graduated from a high school in Alabama, have at least a 2.85 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, whose enrollment would enhance the diversity of the population of the College of Education’s student population, thereby improving the quality of the College of Education’s educational experience and product, and who demonstrate financial need, although not necessarily need as defined by federal guidelines. |
Scholarship | Priority of Consideration |
Paul and Ann Hubbert Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration shall be given to: a. Incoming freshman students who resided in an Alabama county prior to attending The University of Alabama, are in the top 25% academically of their high school graduating class, are full-time students pursuing a degree to become certified teachers in the College of Education, and who demonstrate financial need, although not necessarily as defined by federal guidelines. b. Current undergraduate students who resided in an Alabama county prior to attending The University of Alabama, have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale, are full-time students pursuing a degree to become certified teachers in the College of Education, have not received or are not currently receiving educational assistance from The University of Alabama and who demonstrate financial need, although not necessarily as defined by federal guidelines. c. Current undergraduate students who have received or currently receive an award from this fund, have maintained a grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale, and are full-time students pursuing a degree to become certified teachers in the College of Education. |
Scholarship | Priority of Consideration |
Ralph W. Cowart Memorial Scholarship | Scholarships from this fund are awarded to full-time education students who are legal residents of Pike County, Alabama. Financial need is a consideration, second to overall qualifications, citizenship, and leadership. |
Rebecca Ann Baggett Endowed Scholarship | Scholarships from this fund support only tuition and fees for students pursuing a degree in special education within the College of Education who maintain a minimum “B” average. |
Retired Faculty Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration shall be given to full-time undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the College of Education who demonstrate financial need, although not necessarily as defined by federal guidelines, and whose academic records indicate a high probability of success. Additional preference shall be given to those students who are descendants of retired faculty members of the College of Education. |
Robert D. and Betsy Powers Early Childhood Education Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Education and majoring in early childhood education. |
Rufus Wiley Hollingsworth Memorial Endowed Scholarship | Scholarships from this fund are awarded to deserving full-time students in education. Priority for the award is given to graduating high school seniors in Fayette county, Alabama, or from Winfield High School, in Marion County, Alabama, who intend to enter the teaching profession. |
Russell S. and Mary Louise Cantwell Endowed History Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to juniors and seniors who are enrolled in the College of Education or to students enrolled in graduate programs in the College of Education at The University of Alabama. Eligible applicants must plan to teach history and must demonstrate financial need. High moral character is a desired personal qualifier for the award. A student must possess a minimum grade average of “B” to receive this award. |
Ruthie Edmonds CrossingPoints Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to students who are enrolled at the University and are attending the CrossingPoints Tier 3 program, and who demonstrate financial need, although not necessarily need as defined by federal guidelines. |
Scholarship | Priority of Consideration |
Sally Booth Eisenhower Endowed Scholarship | Priority of the award is given to full-time students who demonstrate financial need, and who intend to pursue degrees in the College of Education. |
Sandra Hall Ray Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to full-time undergraduate students in the College of Education who transferred to the University from an Alabama public community college and possess a 3.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale. |
Shelley and Tom Jones Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to rising juniors in the College of Education who are majoring in elementary education and possess a 3.5 or higher grade point average on a 4.0 scale. |
Stephen and Dorothy Andrasko Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration shall be given to undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Education who graduated from high schools in the northeastern United States, who possess a minimum 3.0 grade point average and who demonstrate financial need. |
Strings in Schools Endowed Scholarship in Music Education | Priority of consideration is given to students who have been accepted into the upper division Teacher Education Program in Music Education within the College of Education and who demonstrate financial need, although not necessarily need as defined by federal guidelines. Recipients shall have as their principal instrument one of the following: violin, viola, cello, or string bass. It is the donors’ desire that recipients shall have participated in the Strings in Schools program and have graduated from a high school within the Tuscaloosa City School System. Additionally, the scholarship may be renewable for each of the subsequent years of a recipient’s undergraduate education provided the scholarship committee deems a recipient’s performance and academic progress satisfactory, and provided the recipient remains enrolled in the Teacher Education Program in Music Education in the College of Education. |
Susan Duckworth Bedsole Endowed Scholarship | Priority given to J.L. Bedsole Scholars as selected by the J.L. Bedsole Foundation (based on criteria involving academic success, leadership potential, and financial need) who are accepted into the College of Education. Second priority of consideration is given to students from southwest Alabama accepted into the College of Education, or to any first-year student accepted into the College of Education. The scholarship is renewable for each of the subsequent years of the recipient’s education, provided the scholarship committee deems the recipient’s performance and academic progress to merit retention and provided the recipient remains enrolled full-time in the College of Education. |
Scholarship | Priority of Consideration |
TCI Companies Choice Award in Education Endowed Scholarship | Priority is given to undergraduate or graduate students from the state of Alabama, enrolled in the College of Education who intend to teach. Recipients have demonstrated their ability to see potential in and/or inspire others through community service or personal experience. Applicants also submit a short essay on having inspired others. |
The Treobye Britton Utsey Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration shall be given to students majoring in elementary education at The University of Alabama, with first preference being given to residents of Choctaw County, Alabama, and second preference to residents of other Alabama counties. |
Thomas G. McDonald Memorial Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to full-time junior or senior students enrolled in the College of Education who are pursuing undergraduate degrees in secondary/high-school education with a major in English language arts and who have demonstrated academic merit by possessing a 3.0 or higher grade point average on a 4.0 scale. |
Tony Cole, Jr. Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to full-time undergraduate students who graduated from West Point High School in Cullman, Alabama, in the top ten percent of their class and who are majoring in education. Second preference is given to graduates of high schools in Cullman County who graduate in the top ten percent of their class and are majoring in education. |
Scholarship | Priority of Consideration |
Walt Gary Endowed Scholarship in Special Education | Priority of consideration is given to junior or senior level students who are enrolled in the College of Education, are majoring in special education and possess a 3.0 or higher grade point average on a 4.0 scale. |
William E. Sexton Endowed Scholarship | Scholarship awards are given to undergraduate or graduate students who intend to pursue a degree in the College of Education. |
William R. and Eugenia Battle Endowed Scholarship | Priority of consideration is given to full-time students who intend to pursue degrees in the College of Education. |