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Leadership Council

Duties and Responsibilities

In order to carry out these duties and responsibilities, the COE Leadership Council will:

  1. Schedule and conduct monthly meetings or called meetings, as needed.
  2. Keep minutes and records of all meetings and circulate these to the College.


  • Dr. Joyce Alexander


  • Dr. Angela Benson

    Head, Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies

  • Lori Burroughs

    Director of Financial Affairs

  • Dr. Joy Burnham

    Sr. Associate Dean

  • Dr. Kelly Guyotte

    Director of Faculty Development

  • Dr. Carl Hancock

    Head, Department of Music Education

  • Dr. David Hardy

    Associate Dean, Research & Service

  • Dr. Michael Lawson

    Head, Department of Educational Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling

  • Dr. Miguel Mantero

    Head, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

  • Dr. Carlton McHargh

    Director of Enrollment and Student Success

  • Dr. Emily Sims

    Associate Dean, Student Services & Certification

  • Dr. Nicole Swoszowski

    Head, Special Education & Multiple Abilities

    Nicole Swoszowski
  • Isis Thomas

    Staff Council Rep

  • Dr. Jonathan Wingo

    Head, Department of Kinesiology