In order to carry out these duties and responsibilities, the COE Leadership Council will:
Schedule and conduct monthly meetings or called meetings, as needed.
Keep minutes and records of all meetings and circulate these to the College.

Dr. Angela Benson
Head, Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies
Lori Burroughs
Director of Financial Affairs
Dr. Joy Burnham
Sr. Associate Dean
Dr. Kelly Guyotte
Director of Faculty Development
Dr. Carl Hancock
Head, Department of Music Education
Dr. David Hardy
Associate Dean, Research & Service

Dr. Miguel Mantero
Head, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Dr. Carlton McHargh
Director of Enrollment and Student Success
Tracie Sellers
Staff Council Rep
Dr. Emily Sims
Associate Dean, Student Services & Certification
Dr. Nicole Swoszowski
Head, Special Education & Multiple Abilities
Dr. Jonathan Wingo
Head, Department of Kinesiology