Music Education

Bringing music into school-aged people’s lives is an exciting and rewarding profession.  The thorough music training offered by the School of Music, the mastery of skills required in music education courses, and the chance to participate in the finest ensembles in the region are opportunities that set the UA Music Education programs apart from all others.  Graduates of the UA programs are leaders in the profession throughout their careers.

At the bachelor’s level, students may choose an instrumental track, which prepares them to teach middle or high school band or orchestra, as well as elementary general music, or they may choose a choral track, which emphasizes middle or high school choral teaching, in addition to elementary general music.  Graduate work develops research skills and the acquisition of advanced teaching and conducting techniques.

The uniquely high-quality preparation at all levels, which has characterized the UA Music Education programs for decades, has set the standard in Alabama.  The faculty welcomes the chance to discuss what our programs offer with all prospective students and their families.

Department Head: Dr. Carl Hancock

Email Contact:

Main Office: 261 Moody Music Building

Main Office Phone: 205-348-6054



Bachelor of Science in Education

Admission to the BSE in Music Education requires passing an audition with faculty in the School of Music.

Master of Arts in Secondary Education

The Alternative Master of Arts degree is aimed at students with an undergraduate degree in a non-teaching field who wish to gain an alternative A certificate that enables them to teach in public schools.

Educational Specialist in Secondary Education

Doctor of Education

EdD in Curriculum and Instruction (Contact the MUE Office)

Doctor of Philosophy

PhD in Curriculum and Instruction (Contact the MUE Office)


Dr. Khristina Motley

Adjunct Instructor of Music Education


Dr. Morgan Luttig

Assistant Professor and Director of Choral Activities


Choral Activities Contact

Morgan Luttig

Professor Kevin Welborn

Assistant Professor and Associate Director of Bands


Professor Kevin Welborn