Our mission is to disseminate new knowledge across diverse subdisciplines in Kinesiology while preparing students for careers in school, community, rehabilitative, health, medical, sport, and athletic settings. Consistent with the vision of the University of Alabama, we have a student-centered faculty committed to high quality teaching, research, and service endeavors.
We offer undergraduate and graduate degrees in Kinesiology with areas of study focused on Exercise Science and Sport Pedagogy/Physical Education. Housed in Wade Hall, our students and faculty utilize multiple state-of-the-art laboratories and workspaces in the pursuit of their personal and professional goals.
The Department of Kinesiology is a member of the American Kinesiology Association.
Department Head: Dr. Jonathan Wingo
Main Office: 1005 Wade Hall
Main Office Phone: 205-348-1455

Area of Study Contacts
Dr. Jonathan Wingo
Department HeadEmail: jwingo@ua.edu
Office Number: 205-348-4699
Office: 1002 Wade Hall
Program | Coordinator | |
Exercise Science – Graduate | Dr. Mark Richardson | mtrichar@ua.edu |
Exercise Science – Undergraduate | Dr. Kim Shaw | krshaw@ua.edu |
General Studies in Kinesiology | Dr. Jonathan Wingo | jwingo@ua.edu |
Sport Pedagogy (Ph.D.) | Dr. Oleg Sinelnikov | osinelnikov@ua.edu |
Sport Pedagogy (Traditional Class A Physical Education and Alternative Class A Physical Education) | Dr. Elizabeth Woodruff | elizabeth.woodruff@ua.edu |
Physical Education – Undergraduate | Dr. Elizabeth Woodruff | elizabeth.woodruff@ua.edu |
Bachelor of Science
Master of Arts
Master of Arts (Alternative Route)
The Alternative Master of Arts degree is aimed at students with an undergraduate degree in a non-teaching field who wish to gain an alternative A certificate which enables them to teach in the public schools.
Doctor of Philosophy
The programs with a lightning bolt are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Education Preparation (CAEP). For more information, please go to this link: https://education.ua.edu/student-resources/mapped-standards/ to see certification programs and courses with national teacher/educator certification standards.

Dr. Zachary (Zacko) Rightmire
Clinical Assistant Professor, Exercise ScienceEmail: zbrightmire@ua.edu

Dr. Elizabeth “Libba” Woodruff
Clinical Associate Professor, Sport PedagogyEmail: elizabeth.woodruff@ua.edu

Dr. Battogtokh (Togy) Zagdsuren
Clinical Assistant Professor, Exercise ScienceEmail: bzagdsuren@ua.edu