CrossingPoints Certificate in Occupational Studies


Welcome to the Certificate in Occupational Studies Program at The University of Alabama. The CrossingPoints Certificate in Occupational Studies (CCOS) is a non-degree certificate program for young adults with intellectual disabilities who are interested in pursuing postsecondary education at The University of Alabama. CCOS seeks to provide students with intellectual disabilities with high quality and inclusive college experience. Upon successful completion of the CCOS program, you will earn a Certificate in Occupational Studies, which is a non-degree credential

Students enrolled in CCOS program will:

  1. Successfully complete individualized academic enrichment goals by earning passing grades in UA courses that provide inclusive supports and will be measured by the CCOS Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) rubric.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of community-based skills that support self-determination and self-management by successfully completing a portfolio assessment demonstrating their understanding of critical skills for living independently including, but not limited to financial management, transportation, agency/self-determination in academic enrichment courses.
  3. Demonstrate capacity for self-determination and self-management that also include making sound decisions on personal wellness and socialization as evidenced in earning a rating of Satisfactory as measured by a rubric drawn from the Positive Choices curriculum.
  4. Gain practical experiences in performing essential skills related to their chosen careers as paid employees in community-based employment settings.



CrossingPoints: Starting with Why

ā€œWe believe in creating learning opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities so that no-one ever has to doubt their value.ā€ (WHY)

We do it by creating and utilizing protocols and procedures that make it possible for others to replicate our success. (HOW)

We test, innovate, explore, and create opportunities for youth with intellectual disabilities to access and participate in inclusive experiences related to:

Community. (WHAT)

  • Postsecondary Education
  • Independent living
  • Recreation/Leisure
  • Competitive Integrated Employment

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Program of Study

The program includes 24 UA hours, 10 CPP specialized hours, 54 internship hours.

Academic Enrichment Courses (Inclusive): 24 UA hours

Course IDCourse Title
CAT 100Computer Applications
EN 101English Composition
COM 123 or COM 225 Public Speaking Small or Group Communication
SPE 300Introduction to Special Education
SW 351Oppression and Social Injustice

12 additional hours of UA courses based on studentā€™s interests, preferences, and needs (approved by advisor)

Required Independent Living Courses (Specialized): 4 hours

Course IDCourse Title
CPP 111 Financial Management
CPP 260Transportation
CPP 215 Agency Awareness
CPP 312Living Arrangements
CPP 327Decision Making

Wellness and Socialization Courses (Specialized): 3 hours

Course IDCourse Title
CPP 224Interpersonal Skills
CPP 244Health and Wellness
CPP 267Personal Relationships I
CPP 268Personal Relationships II

Required Employment Courses (Specialized): 3 hours

Course IDCourse Title
CPP 143 Career Exploration
CPP 290Employment Development
CPP 300Employment Attainment
CPP 107 Workshop in Technology

Employment Internships (Inclusive): 54 hours

Course IDCourse Title
CPP 101 Computer ApplicationsInternshInternship I
CPP 102 Internship II
CPP 201 Internship III
CPP 202 Internship IV
CPP 301 Internship V
CPP 302 Internship VI
CPP 401 Internship VII (Optional)


The anticipated program fee will be approximately $8,000 per semester.  The estimated costs for the program are as follows (links for further information are provided):

In State

Approximated Cost for Fall 2023- In State 
Direct Costs
Tuition$3,500 (approximately)
Room and Board$4,750
Dining Plan$1,300 (approximately)
Program Fee$7,050
TOTAL Direct Costs$16,600
TOTAL Indirect Costs$6,642

Out of State

Approximated Cost for Fall 2020- Out of State 
Direct Costs
Tuition$9,200 (approximately)
Room and Board$4,750
Dining Plan$1,300 (approximately)
Program Fee$7,050
TOTAL Direct Costs$22,300
TOTAl Indirect Costs$7,636
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Admission Requirements


The applicant must:

  • Have a documented intellectual disability (per HEOA ,2008, definition);
  • Have received a diploma or certificate of completion or equivalent from a high school program;
  • Possess functional receptive and expressive communication skills;
  • Have a documented history of meeting behavioral and attendance expectations of past employment, training, and/or educational programs;
  • Have and maintain health insurance at all times while participating in the program;
  • Have the ability to attend to personal, hygiene, and/or medical needs independently, including medication administration, and other routine medical processes and selfcare routines.
  • Have the ability or potential to adhere to UAā€™s social decorum as expressed in the UA Capstone Creed;
  • Meet eligibility guidelines for State agencies (such as Vocational Rehabilitation, Medicaid, Adult DD agencies, etc.);
  • Have a demonstrated ability to manage free time independently;
  • Have a demonstrated ability to self-monitor and self-manage behaviors;
  • Have a demonstrated desire to participate in and complete the program; and
  • Have the ability to participate in a personal interview.


  • Be between 19-26 years of age at program entrance.
  • Be oneā€™s own legal guardian.


The following items will need to be uploaded within the application portal:

  • 2 References Contact Information and Letters of Recommendation;
  • Most Current IEP from the final year of IDEA services;
  • Most Current Eligibility Report (including the area of disability served in high school);
  • High School Completion Documentation (such as a transcript, diploma, etc.);
  • Applicantā€™s Most Updated Resume; and
  • Applicants Application Essay (This is an essay explaining why you would like to be considered as a candidate for the CrossingPoints Certificate in Occupational Studies (CCOS). This essay does not have to be in written form. Other examples of acceptable forms of application essays are PowerPoint presentations, artwork, poetry, etc.).

Important UA Links

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