Sarah Stroud

K-5 Math Specialist, AMSTI


Sarah Stroud


Ed.S.Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary MathematicsUniversity of Alabama
M.A.Elementary Education and TeachingUniversity of Alabama
B.A.Early Childhood and Elementary EducationUniversity of Alabama

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Most Outstanding Graduate Student in Elementary Education for Community Service, University of Alabama
2015National Board Certified Teacher
2015District VII Alabama Elementary Teacher of the Year, State of Alabama
2015Finalist for Alabama Teacher of the Year, State of Alabama

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Elementary mathematics

Early childhood education

Elementary education

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  • Member of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), and the Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ACTM)

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Sarah Stroud is a K-5 Math Specialist with AMSTI. She has been in this role since 2024. Prior to her current role, she served as a Teacher in Residence with AMSTI as a Building-Based Math Coach for 3 years. She also spent 19 years as a general education teacher in the Tuscaloosa community and taught for 2 years as a Clinical Instructor with the College of Education at UA. Mrs. Stroud has created and presented various professional sessions at the local, state, and national level. She was named Most Outstanding Graduate Student in Elementary Education at UA for Community Service, was named District VII Alabama Elementary Teacher of the Year, and was one of four finalists for Alabama Teacher of the Year in 2015. She is a member of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), and the Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ACTM). Mrs. Stroud received her Bachelorā€™s, Masterā€™s, and Education Specialist degrees from
the University of Alabama. She has been a National Board Certified Teacher since 2015.