LaTara Turner

LaTara Turner

Graduate Admissions and Certification Coordinator


LaTara Turner


M.A.Student AffairsUniversity of West Alabama
M.A.Counseling/PsychologyUniversity of West Alabama
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LaTara Turner is the coordinator of Student Services and Certification in the College of Education. Her primary responsibility is managing the Graduate Clearance Process, a crucial step in ensuring that students have met the necessary requirements for graduation. She also assists the ELPTS department with various tasks, including advising and training. Before her current role, LaTara served as the office associate for the Higher Education Administration program within the ELPTS department.

She is currently enrolled in the MA School Counseling program at UA and holds a Master’s degree in Student Affairs in Higher Education as well as Counseling/Psychology, both from the University of West Alabama. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, journaling, and spending time with her family.