Yurou Wang

Dr. Yurou Wang

Clinical Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology


Yurou Wang


Ph.D.Educational PsychologyUniversity of Kansas
M.A.EducationUniversity of Durham
B.A.English and International TradeDalian University of Foreign Languages

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2018Research Scholarship, University of Kansas
2016-2017Scholarship of School of Education, University of Kansas
2011Citibank Future Talent Award, Citibank

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Motivation: self-determination theory, internalization, and basic needs

Emotion: achievement and cognitive emotions

Psychoeducational Intervention

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  1. Wang, Y., Wang, H., Wang, S., Wind, S. A., & Gill, C. (2024). A systematic review and meta-analysis of self-determination-theory-based interventions in the education context. Learning and Motivation87, 102015.
  2. Wang, Y., Xia, M., Guo, W., Xu, F., & Zhao, Y. (2023). Academic performance under COVID-19: The role of online learning readiness and emotional competence. Current Psychology, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-02699-7
  3. Wang, Y. (2021). Adding the culturally specific ingredients: the Chinese and American models of learning persistence, including learning beliefs, choice, and the internalization of learning motivation. Social Psychology of Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-021-09672-5
  4. Wang, Y. & Wind, S. A. (2020). Psychometric evaluation of a new internalization of learning motivation (ILM) scale. Current Psychology, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-020-00909-8

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Dr. Wang has served as a consultant for various educational technology companies, advising on the development of tools that align with motivational theories and enhance student learning outcomes.

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Course IDCourse TitleMethod of Instruction
BEP 565Personality and Social DevelopmentFace-to-Face
BEP 561Social Cultural Basis of BehaviorsOnline
BEP 550Life-Span DevelopmentOnline
BEP 505Motivation and Self-regulationOnline
BEP 541Foundations of Learning and CognitionOnline
PRE/EPSY 905Multivariate AnalysisFace-to-Face


Course IDCourse TitleMethod of Instruction
BEP 305Introduction to Educational PsychologyFace-to-Face and Hybrid
BEP 360Social & Psychological Foundations of EducationFace-to-Face and Hybrid
EPSY 305Adolescent DevelopmentFace-to-Face
EPSY 306Childhood DevelopmentFace-to-Face
CHIN 204Intermediate Chinese IFace-to-Face
CHIN 208Intermediate Chinese IIFace-to-Face

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Dr. Yurou Wang is passionately dedicated to empowering disadvantaged and low-motivation students, aiming to bridge gaps in educational outcomes through her innovative research and practical interventions. Her academic work is centered on self-determination theory, achievement emotions, and psychoeducation interventions, all of which are crucial for understanding and enhancing student motivation and engagement.

In her quest to push the boundaries of educational psychology, Dr. Wang has integrated cutting-edge technology into her research by establishing the Micro-facial Expression Tracking (MET) Lab. This pioneering lab utilizes advanced facial recognition technology to capture and analyze students’ micro-expressions, providing insights into the intricate relationship between emotional states and learning behaviors. Through a series of carefully designed experiments, the MET Lab seeks to uncover how emotions influence students’ engagement, retention, and overall academic performance.

Currently, Dr. Wang is expanding her impact beyond the laboratory through community-engaged research focused on teacher training and psychoeducation interventions. By collaborating with educators and community stakeholders, she aims to develop evidence-based strategies that can be implemented in diverse educational settings, ensuring that all students have the support they need to thrive. Her work not only contributes to academic scholarship but also has practical implications for creating more inclusive and effective learning environments.