Ph.D. | Educational Leadership | Auburn University |
Ed.S. | Educational Leadership | Auburn University – Montgomery |
M.A. | Educational Leadership | Auburn University – Montgomery |
BSED | Secondary Social Science | Auburn University – Montgomery |
M.A. | Public Administration | Governors State University |
B.S. | Secondary Education | Social Science, Athens State University |
B.S. | Criminal Justice | Auburn University |

Leadership in Rural Schools
Teacher Leadership
Leadership for Accountability and Continuous Improvement in Rural Schools
Leadership for Accountability and Continuous Improvement in Rural Schools
Creating L culture of learning within schools

High-Poverty Rural Schools
High Minority Rural Schools
At-risk and Underserved Populations
Principal Autonomy

Dr. Bill Bergeron is a clinical assistant professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Alabama. He is retired from the military and until January 2020 was a K-12 Administrator. Dr. Bergeron has a Doctorate in Educational Leadership (Ph.D.) from Auburn University and more than twenty years of leadership experience and training in education, business, and the military. He was the principal of a large and diverse high school and the Director of Alternative Education. He also holds undergraduate degrees in Criminal Justice and Social Science Secondary Education. Master’s Degrees in Public Administration, Social Science Education, and Educational Leadership and an Education Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership. He is currently the Program Coordinator for the Educational Leadership – Teacher Leader Ed.S., the Educational Leadership Master of Arts and Reduced Hour Option for the initial certification of Educational Administrators. He serves as Chairperson of the University of Alabama Public Safety Committee and as a member of the College of Education’s Assessment Committee.