InfoInterested in joining the ADIE lab team?
Our lab focuses on various aspects of educational technology, including but not limited to game-based learning, virtual reality-based training, personalized open educational resources, and learning analytics.
As a member of our lab, you will have the opportunity to work with cutting-edge technologies and contribute to the advancement of the field of educational technology. You will work closely with other researchers, including faculty members and fellow students, and participate in various research projects.
To join our lab, we look for candidates with a strong academic background in fields such as computer science, education, psychology, or related fields. Additionally, we value individuals who possess critical thinking skills, attention to detail, and the ability to work collaboratively with others.
As a prospective student, we encourage you to explore our research projects and publications to get a sense of the type of work we do in our lab. You are also welcome to reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have. We look forward to hearing from you and potentially having you as a member of our research lab.

Ph.D. | Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies | Florida State University |

Game-based / immersive learning experience design (i.e., Extended Reality)
Instructional design (Training, curriculum development)
Data analytics integration in technology-enhanced learning

- Moon, J. (Lead PI), Bannerman, J. (PI), O’Harra, K. (PI), Schoger, K. (PI), Donoban C. (PI), & Coleman, J. (PI) (Jan 2022 – Dec 2024). Examining Preservice Teachers’ Digital Literacy Development and Learning Engagement via Art Integrated Technology-Enhanced Learning. the Collaborative Arts Research Initiative, Total award $15,000, FUNDED
- McNeill, L. (Lead PI), Moon, J. (PI), Edmonds, C. (PI) (July 2024 – June 2027). HOPE: Harnessing Opportunities for Promoting Heterophily and Engagement in Business Education through Gamification. Spencer Foundation, Total award $500,000, PENDING
- Suh, J. (Lead PI), Moon, J. (PI), & Worsley, M. (PI) (July 2024 – June 2028). Toward Data-Driven Adaptive Teaching: Developing Adaptive Teaching Expertise through a Technology-Empowered Decision-making (TED) System. National Science Foundation, Total award $1,100,318, PENDING
- Inclusive and Immersive e-Learning Design:
- This pipeline focuses on designing e-learning environments that are inclusive and immersive, with a particular emphasis on students with special needs. It includes studies on the use of virtual reality, social skills training, and game-based learning to promote engagement and learning for students with autism spectrum disorder. These studies also explore the effectiveness of using multimodal data fusion and learning analytics to track students’ cognitive and emotional states during gameplay, as well as the impact of social and cognitive cues on learning comprehension and cognitive load in video instruction.
- Inclusive and immersive e-learning design is an essential pipeline that seeks to develop e-learning environments that provide engaging and effective learning experiences for all students. This pipeline aims to make e-learning inclusive, accessible, and effective for all students by using learning analytics, virtual reality-based training, and social skills training.
- One of the key elements of this pipeline is the use of learning analytics, which is the measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of data about learners and their contexts to optimize the learning experience. Moon et al. (2022) provide a scoping review of learning analytics in seamless learning environments, examining how learning analytics can be integrated into e-learning design to enhance student learning outcomes. This study highlights the potential of learning analytics to provide personalized learning experiences for students, tailored to their unique learning needs and preferences.
- Virtual reality-based training is another important aspect of this pipeline, with Ke et al. (2022) exploring the effectiveness of virtual reality-based social skills training for children with autism. This study examines how virtual reality technology can be used to create engaging and immersive learning environments that help children with autism to improve their social skills. The study finds that virtual reality-based training can be an effective tool for improving social skills in children with autism.
- Social interaction is also a critical element of this pipeline, with Moon and Ke (2020) investigating the relationships among middle school students’ peer interactions, task efficiency, and learning engagement in game-based learning. The study highlights how social interaction can be incorporated into e-learning design to enhance student learning outcomes. The findings suggest that peer interaction can be a valuable tool for improving task efficiency and learning engagement in game-based learning environments.
- Overall, inclusive and immersive e-learning design is a pipeline that seeks to create e-learning environments that are engaging, effective, and accessible for all students. This pipeline is supported by a range of studies, including those that focus on learning analytics, virtual reality-based training, and social skills training.
- Personalized OER Design:
- This pipeline explores the use of open educational resources (OER) to design personalized learning experiences for students. It includes studies on the development of a conceptual framework for teaching computational thinking in personalized OERs, as well as the application of sequential data analytics to design personalized digital game-based learning for computing education. These studies also examine the role of teachers in using OERs to support interactions of learners with disabilities and the treatment integrity of virtual reality-based social skills training for children with high-functioning autism.
- This pipeline seeks to create personalized learning experiences for students through the use of open educational resources (OERs). The design of these resources is tailored to meet individual student needs and preferences. To achieve this, the pipeline draws on computational thinking, data analytics, and digital game-based learning.
- Moon et al. (2020) propose a conceptual framework for teaching computational thinking in personalized OERs. The framework identifies the key components required for effective personalized learning, including learner modeling, content adaptation, and assessment. By incorporating these components, OERs can be designed to meet the needs and preferences of individual students.
- Liu and Moon (2023) present a framework for applying sequential data analytics to design personalized digital game-based learning for computing education. The framework uses data analytics to monitor student progress and adapt the learning experience in real-time. By providing personalized feedback and support, the framework enhances student engagement and achievement.
- Yu et al. (2022) investigate the development of a stealth assessment system using a continuous conjunctive model. This system enables personalized assessment of student learning, by identifying the specific skills and knowledge areas that require improvement. By providing personalized feedback and support, the system enhances student learning outcomes.
- Overall, this pipeline aims to create personalized and adaptive learning experiences for students, by leveraging the power of computational thinking, data analytics, and digital game-based learning.
- Learning Analytics in Seamless Learning Environments:
- This pipeline investigates the use of learning analytics in seamless learning environments, with a focus on exploring the relationships between technology integration, scientific inquiry, and teacher professional development. It includes studies on the use of computational approaches to ethnographic research in digital learning environments, as well as the design and deployment of a virtual social sandbox for children with autism. These studies also examine the effectiveness of automatic assessment of cognitive and emotional states in virtual reality-based flexibility training for adolescents with autism, and the use of adaptivity in educational games to promote engagement and learning.
- This pipeline focuses on the use of learning analytics in seamless learning environments to provide insights into student learning and inform instructional design. The pipeline involves the use of computational approaches to ethnographic research, multimodal data fusion, and game-based learning. The pipeline is supported by articles such as Moon et al. (2022) which reviews the use of learning analytics in seamless learning environments and Seo et al. (2022) which conducts a scoping review of computational approaches to ethnographic research in digital learning environments. Moon et al. (2022) also investigate the use of multimodal data fusion to track students’ distress during educational gameplay, providing insights into how student emotions can be incorporated into learning analytics. The pipeline is further supported by Moon and Ryu (2020), which investigates the effects of social and cognitive cues on learning comprehension, eye-gaze pattern, and cognitive load in video instruction, providing insights into how learning analytics can be used to optimize instructional design.

Digital game-based learning
Inclusive and immersive e-learning design
Multimodal learning analytics
Adaptive learning system design
Computer science & artificial intelligence education (computational thinking)

* indicates the work with mentoring students
IF is Impact Factor in 2023 and IF5 indicates 5-Year Impact Factor.
International and Peer-Reviewed
Bae, H., Hur, J., Park, J., Choi, G. W., & Moon, J. (Accepted, 2024). Pre-service teachers’ dual perspectives on generative artificial intelligence: Benefits, challenges, and integrating into teaching and learning. Online Learning [ESCI-indexed; IF = 2.8, IF5 = 4.4]
Moon, J., Lee, U., Koh, J., Jeong, Y., Byun, G., Lee, Y., & Lim, J. (2024). Generative artificial intelligence in educational game design: Nuanced challenges, design implications, and future research. Technology, Knowledge, and Learning
[ESCI-indexed; IF = 3.0, IF5 = 3.5]
Moon, J., McNeill, L., Edmonds, C., Banihashem, K., & Noroozi, O. (2024). Using learning analytics to explore peer learning patterns in asynchronous gamified environments. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 8.6, IF5 = 9.9]
Moon, J., Yeo, S., Banihashem, K., & Noroozi, O. (2024). Using multimodal learning analytics as a formative assessment tool: Exploring collaborative dynamics in mathematics teacher education. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 5.1, IF5 = 5.4]
Yeo, S., Moon, J., & Kim, D. J. (2024). Transforming mathematics education with AI: Innovations, implementations, and insights. The Mathematical Education
[KCI-indexed, IF5 = 1.28]
* Awoyemi, I. D., Mercado, F., & Moon, J. (2024). A narrative review of immersive virtual reality to enhance high school students’ mathematics competence. The Mathematical Education
[KCI-indexed, IF5 = 1.28]
Choi, G. W., Lee, D., Kim, S. H, & Moon, J. (2024). Utilizing generative artificial intelligence for instructional design: Exploring strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats. TechTrends
[ESCI-indexed; IF = 2.2, IF5 = 2.8]
* Moon, J., Yeo, S., Si, Q., & Ljeluola, A. S. (2024). A scoping review of game-based learning on mathematics teacher education. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology
[ESCI-indexed; IF = 07, IF5 = 0.9]
* Moon, J., Ke, F., Sokolikj, Z., & Chakraborty, S. (2024). Applying multimodal data fusion to track autistic adolescents’ representational flexibility development during virtual reality-based training . Computers & Education: X Reality
Banihashema, K., Kerman, N. T., Noroozi, O., Moon, J., & Drachsler, H. (2024). Feedback sources in essay writing: Peer-generated or AI-generated feedback. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 8.6, IF5 = 9.9]
Na, C., Lee, D., Moon, J., & Shin, Y. (2024). Modeling undergraduate students’ learning dynamics between self-regulated learning patterns and community of inquiry. Education and Information Technologies
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 4.8, IF5 = 4.8]
Dai, C., Ke, F., Pan, Y., Moon, J., & Liu, Z. (2024). Effects of artificial intelligence-powered virtual agents on learning outcomes in simulation-based learning: A meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 10.1, IF5 = 12.5]
Moon, J. (2024). Learning experience design of verbal prompts in virtual reality-based training for autistic children. Research in Learning Technology
[ESCI-indexed; IF = 1.9, IF5 = 2.6]
Glaser, N., Schmidt, M., Thull, C., Tennant, A., Moon, J., & Ousley, C. (2023). Learner experience design and unpacking sociocultural, technological, and pedagogical design considerations of spherical video-based virtual reality systems for autistic learners: A systematic literature review. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 3.2, IF5 = 4.2]
Lee, U., Jung, H., Jeon, Y., Sohn, Y., Hwang, W., Moon, J., Kim, H (2023). Few-shot is enough: Exploring ChatGPT prompt engineering method for automatic question generation in English education. Education and Information Technologies.
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 4.8, IF5 = 4.8]
Moon, J., Choi, G. W., & Seo, J. (2023). Revisiting multimedia learning design principles in virtual reality-based learning environments for autistic individuals. Virtual Reality.
[SCIE-indexed; IF = 4.4, IF5 = 5.4]
Moon, J., & Ke, F. (2023). Effects of adaptive prompts in virtual reality-based social skills training for children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 3.2, IF5 = 4.2]
Choi, G. W., Lim, J., Kim, S., Moon, J., & Jung, Y. (2023). A case study of South Korean elementary school teachers’ emergence remote teaching. Knowledge Management & E-learning: An International Journal.
[ESCI-indexed; IF = 2.5, IF5 = 2.5]
Liu, Z., & Moon, J. (2023). A framework for applying sequential data analytics to design personalized digital game-based learning for computing education. Journal of Educational Technology & Society.
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 4.6, IF5 = 4.7]
Moon, J., Lee, D., Choi, G.W., Seo, J., Do, J., & Lim, T. (2023). Learning analytics in seamless learning environments: A systematic review. Interactive Learning Environments.
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 3.7, IF5 = 4.5]
Ke, F., Moon, J., & Sokolikj, Z. (2022). Designing and deploying a virtual social sandbox for children with autism. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology.
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 1.9, IF5 = 2.4]
* Yu, J., Ma, W., Moon, J., & Denham, A. (2022). Developing a stealth assessment system using a continuous conjunctive model. Journal of Learning Analytics.
[ESCI-indexed; IF = 2.9, IF5 = 3.7]
Moon, J., Ke, F., Sokolikj, Z., & Dahlstrom-Hakki, I. (2022). Multimodal data fusion to track students’ distress during educational gameplay. 1-13. Journal of Learning Analytics.
[ESCI-indexed; IF = 2.9, IF5 = 3.7]
Seo, J., Moon, J., Choi, G.W., & Do, J. (2022). A scoping review of three computational approaches to ethnographic research in digital learning environments. TechTrends. 66, 102–111.
[ESCI-indexed; IF = 2.2, IF5 = 2.8]
Ke, F., Moon, J., & Sokolikj, Z. (2022). Virtual reality-based social skills training for children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Special Education Technology. 37(1), 49-62.
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 1.2, IF5 = 2.0]
Moon, J., Lee, S., & Xu, X. (2022). Exploring pre-service teachers’ technology-integration belief and scientific inquiry in a teacher-development course. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 32, 1777–1798.
[SCIE- and SSCI-indexed; IF = 2.0, IF5 = 2.3]
Moon, J., & Park, Y. (2021). A scoping review on open educational resources to support interactions of learners with disabilities. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 2.5, IF5 = 3.4]
Tlili, A., Chang, M., Moon, J., Liu, Z., Burgos, D., Chen, N. S., & Kinshuk (2021). A systematic literature review of empirical studies on learning analytics in educational games. International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence. 7(2).
[SCIE-indexed, IF = 3.4, IF5 = 2.8]
Moon, J., Ke, F., & Sokolikj, Z. (2020). Automatic assessment of cognitive and emotional states in virtual reality-based flexibility training for adolescents with autism. British Journal of Educational Technology. 51(5), 1766-1784.
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 6.6, IF5 = 7.2]
Liu, Z., Moon, J., Kim, B., & Dai, C. (2020). Integrating adaptivity to educational games: A combination of bibliometric and meta-analytic review. Educational Technology Research and Development. 68, 1931-1959.
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 3.3, IF5 = 4.8]
Moon, J., & Ryu, J. (2020). The effects of social and cognitive cues on learning comprehension, eye-gaze pattern, and cognitive load in video instruction. Journal of Computing in Higher Education. 33, 39–63.
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 4.5, IF5 = 5.2]
Moon, J., & Ke, F. (2020). Exploring the relationships among middle school students’ peer interactions, task efficiency, and learning engagement in game-based learning. Simulation & Gaming. 51(3), 310-335.
[ESCI-indexed; IF = 1.5, IF5 = 2.4]
Moon, J., Do, J., Lee, D., & Choi, G. (2020). A conceptual framework for teaching computational thinking in personalized OERs. Smart Learning Environments. 7(6).
[ESCI-indexed; IF = 6.7]
Moon, J., & Ke, F. (2019). In-game actions to promote game-based math learning engagement. Journal of Educational Computing Research. 58(4), 863-885.
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 4.0, IF5 = 5.0]
Moon, J., & Ke, F. (2019). Exploring the treatment integrity of virtual reality-based social skills training for children with high-functioning autism. Interactive Learning Environment. 29(6), 939-953.
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 3.7, IF5 = 4.5]
Ke, F., & Moon, J. (2018). Virtual collaborative gaming as social skills training for high‐functioning autistic children. British Journal of Educational Technology, 49(4), 728-741.
[SSCI-indexed; IF = 6.6, IF5 = 7.2]
Moon, J. (2018). Reviews of social embodiment for design of Non-player characters in virtual reality-based social skill training for autistic children. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2(3), 53-62.
[ESCI-indexed, IF = 2.4]
Korean and Peer-Reviewed
Do, J., Kim. S., & Moon, J. (2020). Exploring synchronous online course cases on secondary schools via semantic network analysis. Journal of Qualitative Inquiry. 6(3), 637-681. (KCI IF = 1.59)
Ryu, J., & Moon, J. (2013). The effects of line length and information seeking in e-book for learning on eye-fixation time, cognitive load, and comprehension. The Korea Educational Review, 19(3), 293-313. (KCI IF = 1.85)
Ryu, J., Jung, H., & Moon, J. (2013). Needs analysis of distance education students for using e-textbooks on smart pads. The Journal of the Korea Content, 13(10), 594-603.(KCI IF = 1.90)
Edited Book
Moon, J., Choi, G. W., Bae, H., Byun, J. (2023). Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences: Korean Open Access Guide.
Korean Edutech/LearningSciences Researcher Network (KELS)
Refereed Book Chapters
Kim, B. J., Ke, F., Moon, J., and West, L. (2021). Designing Dynamic Learning Supports for Game and Simulation-Based Learning in STEM Education, Aprea C. and Ifenthaler, D.(eds.) in Game-based Learning Across the Disciplines. Advances in Game-Based Learning, Springer, Cham
Choi, G., Moon, J., Do, J., & Lee, D. (2020). Open Educational Resources in Korea. Huang, R., Liu, D., Tlili, A., Gao, Y., & Koper, R. (eds.) Open Education Resources in “Belt and Road” Countries, Lecture Note Series in Educational Technology. Springer, Singapore.
Moon, J. & Liu, Z. (2019). Rich Representations for Analyzing Learning Trajectories: Systematic Review on Sequential-Data Analytics in Game-based Learning Research. Tlili, A., & Maiga (eds.) Data Analytics Approaches in Educational Games and Gamification Systems, Smart Computing, and Intelligence, Springer, Singapore
Kang, J., Moon, J., & Diederich, M. (2019). Educational Games and Gamification: From Foundations to Applications of Data Analytics. Tlili, A., & Maiga (eds.) Data Analytics Approaches in Educational Games and Gamification Systems, Smart Computing, and Intelligence, Springer, Singapore.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Sokolikj, Z., Ke, F., Chakraborty, S., & Moon, J. (2023). Using deep learning to track representational flexibility development of students with autism in a nurturing virtual reality environment. ICIET 2023.
Moon, J., Fe, K., Sokolikj, Z., Chakraborty, S. (2022). Multimodal data fusion to track representational flexibility of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder during virtual reality-based training. ICLS2022, Japan.
Moon, J., Ke, F., Sokolikj, Z., & Chakraborty, S. (2021). Using sequence mining to explore the representational flexibility development of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder in virtual reality-based flexibility training. In de Vries, E., Hod, Y., & Ahn, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the Learning Sciences – ICLS 2021. (pp. 919-920). Bochum, Germany: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Liu, Z. & Moon, J. (2021). Investigating children’s problem-solving patterns in digital game-based learning for computational thinking development. In de Vries, E., Hod, Y., & Ahn, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the Learning Sciences – ICLS 2021. (pp. 949-950). Bochum, Germany: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Israel, M., Liu, T., Moon,J., Ke, F., & Dahlstrom-Hakki, I. (2021). Methodological considerations for understanding students’ problem solving processes and affective trajectories during game-based learning: A data fusion approach. In: Fang X. (eds) HCI in Games: Serious and Immersive Games. HCI 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12790. Springer, Cham.
Ke, F., Moon, J., & Sokolikj, Z. (2020). Tracking Representational Flexibility Development through Speech Data Mining. In 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
Moon, J. & Ke, F. (2020). Understanding epistemic networks in virtual reality-based collaborative gameplay for social-skills training with children with autism. In Melissa Gresalfi, & Ilana Seidel Horn (Eds.), the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 779-780). International Society of the Learning Sciences. Nashville, TN.
Moon, J. & Ke, F. (2020). Exploring learning supports in virtual reality-based flexibility training for adolescents with autism. In Melissa Gresalfi, & Ilana Seidel Horn (Eds.), the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 1729-1730). International Society of the Learning Sciences. Nashville, TN.
Ke, F., & Moon, J. (2018). Examining virtual-reality-based learning design for children with autism via seasonal index analysis. In Judy Kay, & Rosemary Luckin (Eds.), theInternational Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 973-976). International Society of the Learning Sciences. London, United Kingdom.
Ke, F., & Moon, J. (2018). Exploring learning-facilitating game actions via sequential analysis. In Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, & Michael Yudelson (Eds.), the 11th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (pp. 490-491). Buffalo, NY.
Moon, J., & Ke, F. (2018). Exploring potential effectiveness of Jaccard index to measure treatment integrity in virtual reality-based social training program for children with high-functioning autism. In Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, & Michael Yudelson (Eds.), the 11th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (pp. 486-487). Buffalo, NY.
Moon, J., Ke, F., Xu, X., Pan, Y., & Dai, Z. (2017). The effect of peer interaction on task efficiency and learning engagement in digital game-based learning. In Brian K Smith, Marcela Borge, Emma Mercier, & Kyu-Yon Lim (Eds.), International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (pp. 777-778). International Society of the Learning Sciences. Philadelphia, PA.
Moon, J., & Ke., F. (2016). Categorization of embodied user interface in immersive virtual environment. Paper presented at Doctoral Consortium, 2016. Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. Austin, TX.
Moon, J. (2016). Classification of cognitive domains and natural user interface in immersive virtual environments. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2016 (pp. 1305-1309). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved from Savanna, GA.
Conference Presentations
Jung, Y., Chang, Y., Moon, J., Seo, J., Bonnette, R., Lee, J.Y., Ke, F., Sokolikj, Z., Koh, K., Cox, E., Chen, S., Abbas, J., Munyano, M., DiCioccio, M., Alstad, Z. (2024, June). Learning environments designed for and with learners with disabilities. ISLS 2024.
Ham, E., & Moon, J. (2024, March). Effects of metaverse-based learning activity on elementary Students’ enjoyment and information retention. SITE 2023.
Lee, U., Lee, S., Jeong, Y., Kim, H., Lee, Y., Byun, G., Koh, J., Moon, J., Lee, J, & Kim, H. (2023, December). Generative agent for teacher training: Designing educational problem-solving simulations with large language model-based agents for pre-service teachers. Poster Presentation. NEURIPS 2023 Workshop GAIED.
Lee, G., Moon, J., & Kim, H. (2023, November). Exploring the evolution: Topic modeling in digital textbook research trends. 2023 Conference of Joint Societies for Mathematics Education: KSESM, KSME, Korea University, South Korea.
* Awoyemi, D., & Moon, J. (2023, October). Exploring the impact of immersive virtual reality on enhancing high school students’ mathematics competence in an online learning environment. Poster Presentation. AECT 2023.
Moon, J., & Choi, G. W. (2023, October). Developing the Korean EdTech/Learning Sciences Researcher Network (KELS) as a community of practice. Poster Presentation. AECT 2023
McNeill, L., Moon, J., & Edmond, C. (2023, October). Student engagement in a gamified online learning environment: A data mining approach. Oral Presentation. AECT 2023
Moon, J., Song, S., Awoyemi, D., Marchiori, R., Khorshid, S., Chen, X. (2023, May). Immersive technology-enhanced learning system design in civil engineering education. Poster Presentation. iLRN 2023 Practitioner Stream.
Moon, J., McNeill, L., Edmonds, C. (2023, May). Gamification system design for promoting heterophily in accounting Education. Poster Presentation. iLRN 2023 Practitioner Stream.
* Awoyemi, D., & Moon, J. (2023, May). Teachers’ integration of immersive virtual reality in enhancing mathematics competence among high school students in an online learning environment: A narrative review. Poster Presentation. iLRN 2023 Practitioner Stream.
Marchiori, R. S., Song, S., Moon, J., Khorshid, S. (2023). Crafting an approach to cultivate engineering competencies for undergraduate students in construction engineering with Minecraft. ASEE 2023. Baltimore, MD, United States.
Na, H. & Moon, J. (2023, April). Investigating computational-thinking-related behaviors of primary school students: From a large dataset on Scratch community. Oral Presentation. AERA 2023.
Dai, C., Ke, F., Pan, Y., Moon, J., Liu, Z. (2023, April). A meta-analysis on the effects of using artificial intelligence-powered virtual agents in simulation-based learning. Oral Presentation. AERA 2023.
Zhang, N., Barrett, A., Ke, F., Moon, J., & Sokolikj, Z. (2023, April). An evidence-centered model for computational thinking assessment: Longitudinal observations of autistic youths in virtual worlds. Oral Presentation. AERA 2023.
* Ljeluola, S. & Moon, J. (2022, October). Developing computational thinking competencies of learners with autism through 3D block design during Minecraft gameplay. Emerging Technology Showcase, AECT 2022, Las Vegas, NV, United States.
Moon, J., & Yeo, S. (2022, October). Developing adaptive teacher training with educational gameplay to enhance elementary preservice teachers’ TPACK development and learning engagement. Roundtable Presentation, AECT 2022, Las Vegas, NV, United States.
Stefaniak, J., McDonald, J., Lohman, L., Boer, P., Romero-Hall, E., Xinyu, R., Koehler, A., & Moon, J. (2022, October). Ethnographic experiences in learning design. Panel Session Presentation, AECT 2022, Las Vegas, NV, United States.
Smith, G., Emihovich, B., Moon, J., Liu, Z., & Xue, X. (2022, October). Digital learning games and interactive learning environments: Impacting student learning across disciplines and contexts. Panel Session Presentation, AECT 2022, Las Vegas, NV, United States.
Park, Y., Moon, J., & Na, H. (2022, October). Elementary STEM teachers’ open educational resources and TPACK in a professional learning network. Poster Presentation, AECT 2022, Las Vegas, NV, United States.
Barrett, A., Zhang, N., Ke, F., Moon, J., & Sokolikj, Z. (2022, May) Developing an evidence-centered model for computational thinking in virtual worlds with children with autism. Poster Presentation, iLRN 2022, Vienne, Austria.
Moon, J., Ke, F., Sokolikj, Z., & Dahlstrom-Hakki, I. (2022, April). Multimodal data fusion to detect students’ cognitive-affective states during educational game play. Poster Presentation, AERA 2022, San Diego, CA, United States.
Ke, F., Moon, J., Sokolikj, Z. (2022, April). Virtual-reality-based training of representational flexibility for adolescents with autism. Symposium Presentation, AERA 2022, San Diego, CA, United States.
Choi, G. W., Lim, J., Kim., S., Moon, J., & Jung, Y. (2021, November). A case study of post-COVID19 elementary school teachers in Korea. Concurrent Session Presentation, AECT 2021, Chicago, IL, United States.
Park, Y., & Moon, J. (2020, November). A bibliometric analysis on open educational resources (OER) and learners with disabilities. Poster presented at AECT 2020 Convention. Jacksonville, FL, United States (Virtual).
Ke, F., & Moon, J. (2020, April). Exploring representational flexibility development through speech data mining. Concurrent session presented at AERA 2020. Orlando, FL, United States.
Moon, J., Lee, S., & Xu, X. (2019, November). Exploring the effect of group-collaboration design on developing preservice teachers’ technology-integration skills through scientific inquiry experiences. Roundtable presented at AECT 2019 Convention, Las Vegas, NV, United States.
Moon, J., & Ke, F. (2019, October). Exploring collaborative gameplay in virtual reality-based social-skills training for children with autism. Poster presented at APA Technology, Mind, Society Conference 2019. Washington D.C., United States.
Moon, J., & Ke, F. (2019, October). Exploring students’ peer interactions and gameplay patterns via sequential analysis. Poster presented at APA Technology, Mind, Society Conference 2019. Washington D.C., United States.
Moon, J., Ke, F., & Kim, B. (2019, October). Using machine learning to predict activity types and social interaction levels of children with high-functioning autism in virtual reality-based social skills training. Poster presented at APA Technology, Mind, and Society Conference 2019. Washington D.C., United States.
Ke, F., Moon, J., & Sokolikj, Z. (2018, October). Play and design based social skills training in a virtual world for children with high-functioning autism. Paper presented at APA Technology, Mind, and Society Conference, Washington D.C., United States.
Ke, F., & Moon, J. (2018, April). Virtual-Reality based role-playing and design on social interaction skills development of children with high-functioning autism. Paper presented at AERA 2018 Annual Meeting, American Educational Research Association, New York City, NY, United States.
Moon, J. (2017, November). Exploring learning affordance from embodied interface of STEM-relevant immersive virtual reality educational games. Poster presented at AECT 2017 Convention, Jacksonville, FL, United States.
Moon, J. (2017, November). Explorations of storytelling approaches in STEM-related immersive virtual reality educational games: The findings from in-depth video observation. Poster presented at AECT 2017 Convention, Jacksonville, FL, United States.
Moon, J. (2017, November). Reorganizing action verbs and embodied activities in immersive virtual reality games: Implications for instructional design. Poster presented at AECT 2017 Convention, Jacksonville, FL, United States.
Ke, F., Xu, X., Lee, S., Moon, J., Dai, Z., Pan, Y., Shute, V., Clark, K., & Erlebacher, G. (2017, April). Math learning through game-based architectural design and building. Paper presented at 2017 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX, United States.
Moon, J., Xu, X., & Lee, S. (2016, October). Embodied pulley physics: The development of hands-on user interaction in virtual reality. Emerging Technology Showcase at AECT 2016 Convention, Las Vegas, NV, United States.
Moon, J. (2016, October). The effect of virtual hand movement in science simulation: The transient and human movement effect in multimedia. Paper presented at AECT 2016 Convention, Las Vegas, NV, United States.
Moon, J., & Ke, F (2016, July), Categorization of embodied user interface in immersive virtual environments. Doctoral consortium at the meeting of ICALT 2016, Austin, TX, United States.
Moon, J., & Ryu, J. (2016, March). The effects of visual cueing with illustration on eye fixation time in multimedia learning with animated pedagogical agents. Roundtable presented at the meeting of SITE 2016, Savannah, GA, United States.
Moon, J. (2016, March). Classification of cognitive domains and natural user interface in immersive virtual environment. Poster presented at the meeting of SITE 2016, Savannah, GA, United States.
Working Papers
Review and Revision (Journal Manuscript)
Jeong Y., Lee, Y., Byun, G., & Moon, J. (Submitted). Exploring game design challenges and iterative refinement: A collective autoethnography from immersive learning practitioners’ voices. Simulation and Gaming
Sun, C., & Moon, J. (Under review). 20 years of twice-exceptional students with ASD: The road so far and what is ahead. Journal for the Education of the Gifted
Lee, U., Jeong, Y., Koh, J., Lee, Y., Byun, G., Lee, H., Eun, S., Moon, J.,, Lim, C., & Kim, H. (Under review). I see you: Teacher analytics with GPT-4 vision-powered observational assessment. Technology, Knowledge, and Learning
Ham, E., & Moon, J. (Under review). If A video is worth a Million, Is a metaverse worth a billion? Mixed effects of a metaverse-based learning activity on elementary students’ engagement, curiosity, and information retention. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
Raissa, M., Song, S., & Moon, J. (Under review). Enhancing workers’ competencies in heat stress prevention: An assessment-based training approach. Journal of Safety Research
Park, Y., Moon, J., & Na, H. (Under review). Elementary STEM teachers’ open educational resources and TPACK in a professional learning network. Online Learning Journal
Moon, J., Ke, F., & Sokolikj, Z. (Under review). Game-based performance tasks for assessing representational flexibility of adolescents with autism in a virtual world. Technology, Knowledge, and Learning
Moon, J., Lee. D., Choi, G.W., & Ha, C. (Under review). Predicting middle and high school students’ self-regulated learning patterns and academic performance via latent profile analysis and machine learning. Asian Pacific Education Review
In Preparation (Journal Manuscript)
Moon, J., Seo, J., & Awoyemi, I. (In preparation). Navigating social complexity: The synergistic use of ChatGPT-4 and epistemic network analysis for social skills assessment in autistic children. Journal of Enabling Technologies
Park, J., Bae, J., Lee, U. G., Ahn, T., Lee, S., Choi, A., Moon, J., Jeong, Y., Kim, H. (In preparation). How to align language model for teaching english? Developing large language model based-chatbot for English education. Computers in Human Behavior
Lim, J., Moon, J., Lee, U. G., Koh, J., Jeong, Y., Jeong, H., Lee, Y., and Byun, G. (In preparation). Design-based research of generative agent-based teacher simulation for pre-service teachers. Computers and Education
* Hong, S., Eom, T., & Moon, J. (In preparation). A systematic literature review of teacher simulations using extended reality. Computers & Education
Moon, J., Lee, U., Koh, J., Jeong, Y., Jung, H., Lee, Y., Byun, G. (In preparation). Learning experience design of generative AI-enhanced educational simulation: Dual data mining case studies. Computers in Human Behavior
Lee, G., Moon, J., & Kim, H. J. (In preparation). Transformation of digital textbook research: Topic modeling. Computers and Education
Lee, Y., Moon, J., & Cho, M. (In preparation). A review of eye-tracking measure integration and implementation in virtual reality-based learning environments. Educational Research Review
Lim, J., Moon, J., & Kim, C. (In preparation). A systematic literature review of scenario design in virtual reality-based learning environments. Educational Research Review
Moon, J., Seo, J., & Awoyemi, I. (In preparation). Navigating social complexity: The synergistic use of ChatGPT-4 and epistemic network analysis for social skills assessment in autistic children. Journal of Enabling Technologies

Hi My name is Jewoong (Jacob) Moon, I am an assistant professor of Instructional Technology at College of Education. I earned my Ph.D. degree of Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies at Florida State University. My research works appear in many academic journals, such as British Journal of Educational Technology, Virtual Reality, Simulation & Gaming, Interactive Learning Environments, and Educational Technology Research and Development.