Ph.D. | Mathematics Education | Ohio University |
M.S. | Mathematics with Emphasis in Curriculum & Instruction | West Virginia University |
B.A. | Mathematics | West Virginia University |

Year | Award |
2024-2025 | Policy Chair, Undergraduate Council, University of Alabama |
2023-2024 | Nominated for Blackmon-Moody Award, University of Alabama |
2023 | Nationally Recognized SEMA Program, CAEP & NCTM |
2022-2023 | Program Chair, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators |
2017-2018 | Committee Co-Chair, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics |
2016-2017 | Co-Chair, Alabama Strategic Planning Committee on Mathematics Education |
2016-2017 | Committee Chair, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics |
2016 | Nationally Recognized SEMA Program, CAEP & NCTM |
2014-2016 | President, Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics |
2014 | National Instructor Recognition, Teachers Teaching with Technology T3 |
2011 | Regional Instructor Recognition, Teachers Teaching with Technology T3 |

Programmatic Design in Mathematics Teacher Education
Measurement and Validity Evidence in Mathematics Teacher Education
Mathematical College-Readiness Policy & Practice

- National Science Foundation Master Teacher Fellowship: Alabama Practitioner Leaders in Underserved Schools for Mathematics (APLUS in Math)
- National Science Foundation Computer Science for All: Developing and Expanding a Certification Pathway for Secondary Teacher Candidates (SEMA4CS; SEED4ALCS)
- The Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership (MTEP: UA Partnership Team Director)
- U.S. Department of Education & Alabama State Department of Education: Pathways for Alabama Computer Science (PACS)

- Zelkowski, J., Campbell, T.G., & Moldavan, A.M. (2024). The relationships between internal program measures and a high-stakes teacher licensing measure in mathematics teacher preparation: Program design considerations. Journal of Teacher Education, 75(1), 58-75. https://doi.org/10.1177/00224871231180214
- Zelkowski, J., Odom-Bartel, R.L., & Gray, J. (2024). Examining the impact on TPACK and knowledge subcomponents in dually certifying secondary mathematics teacher candidates with a computer science add-on endorsement. Journal of Research on Technology Education, TBD(#), xx-xx. https://doi.org/10.1080/15391523.2024.2363205
- Zelkowski, J., Makowski, M.B., Campbell, T.G., Gleason, J., Thomas, C.A, Mudd, A., Lewis, A.K., Gooden, C., & Smith, F.A. (2024). Leveraging longitudinal and annual analyses to improve program design: Considering teacher education standards and professional recommendations. In Benken, B. (Ed.). Reflection on Past, Present and Future: Paving the Way for the Future of Mathematics Teacher Education (pp. 447-475). IAP, Inc.
- Smith, P.G. & Zelkowski, J. (2023). A TPACK instrument for 7-12 mathematics in-service middle and high school teachers in the United States: A validation study. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 55(5), 858-876. https://doi.org/10.1080/15391523.2022.2048145
- Zelkowski, J., Yow, J., Ellis, M.E., & Waller, P. (2020). Engaging mentor teachers with teacher candidates during methods courses in clinical settings. In Martin, W.G., Lawler, B.R., Litchka, A.E, and Smith, W.M. (Eds.). The Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership: The Power of a Networked Improvement Community to Transform Secondary Mathematics Teacher Preparation (pp. 211-234). IAP.
- Gleason, J., Livers, S.D., & Zelkowski, J. (2017). Mathematics Classroom Observation Protocol for Practices (MCOP2): Validity and reliability. Investigations in Mathematical Learning, 9(3), 111-129. https://doi.org/10.1080/19477503.2017.1308697
- Zelkowski, J., Gleason, J., Cox, D., & Bismarck, S. (2013). Developing and validating a reliable TPACK instrument for secondary mathematics preservice teachers. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 46(2), 173-206. https://doi.org/10.1080/15391523.2013.10782618
- Kustos, P. & Zelkowski, J. (2013). Grade-continuum trajectories of four known probabilistic misconceptions: What are students’ perceptions of self-efficacy in completing probability tasks? Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 33(3), 508-526. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmathb.2013.06.003
- Zelkowski, J. (2011). Defining the intensity of high school mathematics: Distinguishing the difference between college-ready and college-eligible students. American Secondary Education, 39(2), 27-49. https://www.jstor.org/stable/23100400
- Zelkowski, J. (2010). Secondary mathematics: Four-credits, block-schedules, continuous enrollment? What maximizes college-readiness? The Mathematics Educator, 20(1), 8-21. https://openjournals.libs.uga.edu/tme/article/view/1943/1848

- Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators
- Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators of Alabama
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- American Educational Research Association
- Educational Testing Services, Praxis II Standards Setting and Content Alignment

Dr. Jeremy Zelkowski, associate professor of secondary mathematics education, received his Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from Ohio University in 2008. He joined The University of Alabama in August 2008 to direct the undergraduate and graduate programs in secondary mathematics teacher education. Since joining UA, his scholarship has focused on the programmatic design in mathematics teacher education, measurement and validity evidence, and mathematical college-readiness policy and practice. Prior to joining the UA faculty, he taught high school mathematics in Louisiana beginning in 1999. Four years later in 2003, he began teaching math full time as a senior lecturer of mathematics at the college level at his alma mater West Virginia University. During his first year at WVU, he applied to the NSF-funded ACCLAIM doctoral Ph.D. program and started the summer of 2004. He taught full-time while finishing his Ph.D. program. His work is strongly represented by a partnership with faculty in the Mathematics Department at UA, along with Computer Science faculty, as well as his regional and national partnership projects such as—The Validity Evidence for Measurement in Mathematics Education (VM2ED); The Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership (MTEP); The Clinical Experiences Research Action Cluster (CERAC); Secondary Education for Alabama Computer Science (SEED4ALCS). His students usually are heard referring to Dr. Zelkowski as “Dr. Z.”
Teaching philosophy
Zelkowski’s teaching philosophy is centered on building a community of learners whether preservice or inservice teachers, leveraging the cohort model, providing high-quality assessment feedback with validity evidence, and affording individuals opportunities for professional growth among their peers. He is a former high school mathematics teacher and college mathematics senior lecturer.