Dr. Elroy Aguiar

Assistant Professor, Exercise Science
Department of Kinesiology


Elroy Aguiar


Ph.D.Human PhysiologyUniversity of Newcastle, AUS
BA (Honors)Biomedical SciencesUniversity of Newcastle, AUS

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2013Neville Eric Sansom top-up scholarship for diabetes research. Newcastle Foundation, University of Newcastle, AUS
2014ASICS Award for Best New Investigator – Physical Activity and Health Promotion. Australian Sports Medicine Federation Fellows Award: Sports Medicine Australia “Be Active” conference, Canberra, AUS
2014ASICS Medal for Best Paper Overall. Australian Sports Medicine Federation Fellows Award: Sports Medicine Australia “Be Active” conference, Canberra, AUS
2016Graduate of the Physical Activity and Public Health Postgraduate Course on Research Directions and Strategies. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention And University of South Carolina Prevention Research Center
2018Postdoctoral Professional Development Small Grants Program. Office for Professional Development, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
2022Grant Writing Fellows Program. College of Education, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, USA

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Physical Activity

Measurement of Walking Behavior

Wearable Devices

Cardiometabolic Health

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Physical Activity Epidemiology

Data Science and Machine Learning


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Dr. Elroy Aguiar is an Assistant Professor in Exercise Science, in the Department of Kinesiology at The University of Alabama. Dr. Aguiar’s research is focused on physical activity, with a specific emphasis on the measurement of physical activity using wearable devices, step-based physical activity metrics (e.g., steps/day and cadence [steps/min]), dose-response relationships between physical activity and health outcomes, and developing interventions that embrace step-based physical activity prescription. Dr. Aguiar has published over 50 peer-reviewed scientific journal articles and amassed over 1000 citations. Dr. Aguiar also serves on the Board of Directors for the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH).

Dr. Aguiar teaches classes at both the undergraduate and graduate level, including KIN303: Physiology of Exercise, KIN 506: Techniques in Research, and KIN690 Exercise, Health and Disease.