Dr. Blair Alexander

Dr. Blair Alexander

Coordinator of Continuous Improvement and Clinical Assistant Professor, Higher Education


Blair Alexander


DegreeArea of StudyUniversity
Ed.D.Educational Leadership & Policy StudiesIndiana University
M.S.Kinesiology (Athletic Training Specialization)Indiana University
B.S.Athletic TrainingIndiana University
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2018Certified VALUE Institute Scorer, AAC&U VALUE Institute
Trained and calibrated to score and assess student artifacts using the AAC&U VALUE rubrics. Operating on a team of paid scorers that will score random artifacts from various institutions.
2015Leadership Institute Training, Texas A&M University HR / Employee and Organizational Development
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Public Policy and Higher Education

Institutional Change

Higher Education Policies

Program Assessment and Continuous Improvements

Accreditation within Higher Education

High Impact Educational Practices

Athletic Training (Sports Medicine)

Intercollegiate Coaching

Education Abroad Best Practices

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Alexander, L.B. (2022). Assessment Inventory 2022-2023 School of Education and Human Development [Unpublished internal report]. School of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University College Station.

Alexander, L.B. (2021). Proposed changes in mission and funding of TAMU’s College of Education and Human Development global education experiences [Unpublished internal report]. College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University College Station.

Alexander, L.B. (2021). Global education’s student support disbursement matrix to facilitate equity and access to TAMU’s CEHD approved study abroad experience. [Unpublished internal report]. College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University College Station.

Alexander, L.B. (2020). Current program review within TAMU’s College of Education and Human Development [Unpublished internal report]. College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University College Station.

Alexander, L.B. (2020). Funding request for TAMU’s CEHD purchase and onboarding of the Watermark’s Planning & Self-Studies computer platform [Unpublished internal report]. College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University College Station.

Alexander, L.B. (2018). Core curriculum assessment data report [Unpublished internal report]. Office of the Provost, Texas A&M University College Station.

Alexander, L.B. (2016). Report on current quantity and participation levels for high impact practices at Texas A&M University [Unpublished internal report]. Office of the Provost, Texas A&M University College Station.o link to publication

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  • Indiana University School of Public Health advisory board member – general advice on future school directions. I was particularly focused on the possibility of a 2 + 2 agreement with the community colleges in Kinesiology.
  • Student Advising in the Allied Health Care / Kinesiology disciplines from new student registration to application and degree audits for graduation.
  • Faculty Professional Development Committee Chair – charged with creating a culture and process for ongoing faculty professional development on the Bloomington Campus.
  • State Faculty Professional Development Committee member
  • Presentation at Statewide Program Chairs Retreat on new transfer legislation in Indiana and requirements of ongoing compliance.
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