Degree | Area of Study | University |
Ph.D. (May 2025) | Exercise Science and Health Promotion | University of North Alabama |
M.S. | Exercise Science | Concordia University Chicago |
B.S. | Exercise and Sport Science | The University of Alabama |

Year | Award |
2023 | Academic Affairs Graduate Student Award – Outstanding Scholarship, UNA |
2023 | College of Education and Human Sciences – Outstanding Graduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity, UNA |

Resistance training on the cardiometabolic health and performance of females

The effects of resistance training on substrate oxidation between menstrual cycle phase in recreationally-trained females
The effects of upper and lower body exercise on post-exercise substrate oxidation rates in trained eumenorrheic females
Influence of resistance training on post-exercise metabolic profile in pre-menopausal adult females: A systematic review
Influence of post-activation potentiation recovery time on jump performance in resistance trained females

- Barker, GA., Parten, AL., Lara, DA., Hannon, KE., McAllister, MJ., & Waldman, HS. (2023). Astaxanthin supplementation reduces subjective markers of muscle soreness following eccentric exercise in resistance-trained men. Muscles, 2(2), 228-237. http://doi.org/10.3390/muscles2020017
- Parten, AL., Barker, GA., O’Neal, E., & Waldman, HS. (2023). Seven-week accommodating resistance training improves Wingate peak power but not muscular strength or endurance in strength-trained females. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 37:9, 1789-1794. http://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000004473
- Waldman, HS., Parten, AL., Bryant, A., & McAllister, MJ. (2023). Astaxanthin supplementation does not affect markers of muscle damage or inflammation after an exercise-induced muscle damage protocol in resistance-trained males. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 37(7), 413-421. http://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000004408
- Parten, AL. & Herron, RL. (2022). Strength and conditioning for the roller derby athlete. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 44:2 45-51. http://doi.org/10.1519/SSC.0000000000000652

- 6 years’ experience as a powerlifting coach and competitive athlete
- Powerlifting Coach & Athletic Career Highlights:
- 3x USAPL National Champion
- 1x Arnold Classic Champion
- 4x Top 10 Placings at USAPL Nationals
- 2x Top 10 Placings at the Arnold Classic
- 1x Top 20 Placing at IPF World Championship
- 1x Top 5 Placement in Pro-Level meet
- 8 State Records (Personal)
- 4x Best Lifter (Personal)
- Magazine & Online Blog Interviews/Features:
- Falk, M. (2024, May). Want to squat deeper? This trick can help improve your flexibility and range of motion. Well + Good. https://www.wellandgood.com/squat-modification-with-weight-plates/
- Falk, M. (2023, March). How many calories should you burn in a workout? It’s complicated. Popsugar. https://www.popsugar.com/fitness/how-many-calories-should-i-burn-during-workout-47202743
- Falk, M. (2023, January). When to use free weights vs. machines in your strength workouts. Shape Magazine. https://www.shape.com/free-weights-vs-machines-7095952
- Falk, M. (2022, November). How to improve your squat depth and why it matters. Shape Magazine. https://www.shape.com/how-to-improve-squat-depth-6830861
- Falk, M. (2022, August). How to spot a squat safely and effectively. Shape Magazine. https://www.shape.com/fitness/workouts/strength-training/how-to-spot-a-squat
- Podcast Interviews:
- Pratt, K & Parten, AL. (Hosts). (2023, March). PhD Student, Powerlifting Coach, Business Owner & Competitor w/ Alyssa Parten. [Audio podcast episode]. The Coaches Table.
- Lewis, S. & Parten, AL. (Hosts). (2023, February). #98: Alyssa Parten. [Audio podcast episode]. The Power in Lifting.
- Nevares, B. & Parten, AL. (Hosts). (2023, January). Alyssa Parten (No. 20). [Audio podcast episode]. The Ben Nevares Podcast.
- Polen, B. & Parten, AL. (Hosts). (2022, August). Ladybeef Inc. – Alyssa Parten. [Audio podcast episode]. Superior Chiropractic & Rehab Radio.
- Reuter, B. & Parten, AL. (Hosts). (2022, March). Strength and conditioning for the roller derby athlete. [Audio podcast episode]. Strength and Conditioning Journal Podcast.
Nguyen, L. & Parten, AL. (Hosts). (2022, January). Strength training for women with Alyssa Parten (No. 23) [Audio podcast episode]. Wheelhouse Radio. - Kauffman, T. & Parten, AL. (Hosts). (2022, January). Taking education into your own hands with coach Alyssa Parten (No. 4) [Audio podcast episode]. Elite Spine.
- Smith, M. & Parten, AL. (Hosts). (2021, August). Alyssa Parten, Ladybeef Inc (No. 92). [Audio podcast episode]. Strength Talk & Stop.
- Kauffman, T. & Parten, AL. (Hosts). (2021, July). Postpartum, pelvic floor, and powerlifting. [Audio podcast episode]. Beyond the Script.
- Hiller, S. & Parten, AL. (Hosts). (2021, June). How to train with and through an injury with strength coach

Over the past decade, Alyssa Parten’s involvement in Exercise Science has spanned both her academic and professional career. After earning her Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sport Science with a minor in Nutrition from the University of Alabama, she spent five years establishing herself as a human movement specialist and strength coach. Seeking to deepen her knowledge and education, she pursued a dual Master’s degree in applied Exercise Science from Concordia University Chicago. It was during this time that she discovered her passion for educating the public about the benefits of exercise, creating new knowledge through research, and seeking opportunities for service amongst her colleagues to advance their field. This passion led Parten to apply to the doctoral program in Exercise Science and Health Promotion at the University of North Alabama, where she conducted research under the guidance of Dr. Hunter Waldman. Her research focuses on the effects of resistance training on cardiometabolic health and performance, specifically in trained females. She is excited about the potential of this research to advance their understanding of exercise science and improve the lives of those who benefit from their work.
In an effort to be an effective science communicator, Parten strives to provide evidence-based practical applications to her students, athletes, and the general public. Her commitment to science communication goes beyond her roles as a kinesiology instructor and strength coach. Through various channels such as social media, podcasts, blog posts, and professional conferences, she enjoys sharing her areas of expertise to provide evidence-based recommendations for individuals looking to elevate their own knowledge or improve their physical performance, health, and well-being.