Teacher Helping Pupils Studying At Desks In Classroom


Student Intern as a Long-Term Substitute Teacher

If an intern has secured an opportunity to be hired as a long-term substitute teacher, please refer the intern to the Office of Student Services (OSS) in Carmichael Hall 104.

The OSS will initiate the Form LSC Student Intern as a Long-Term Substitute Teacher process.

The OSS will review the responsibilities with the intern and secure a signature of understanding.

The OSS will document the intern’s past field experiences to ensure compliance of the ALSDE Educator Preparation Code.

The OSS will contact the LEA’s authorized official to obtain the long-term substitute information and a signature of understanding.

Once the FORM LSC has been completed with all authorized signatures, the OSS will send it to the following:

Alabama State Department of Education
Educator Certification Section
5215 Gordon Persons Building
Post Office Box 302101
Montgomery, AL 36130-2101