Denny chimes with trees in front of it



The College of Education welcomes all levels of private support to further our mission of teaching, research, and service. Financial support helps to continue the impact our College has on our community, our state, our nation, and our world.



Support provided through the College’s Annual Fund helps to provide scholarships and faculty and program support for the College of Education. Gifts to the Annual Fund are critical to our mission and have a tremendous impact on our programs. Please consider making a gift to the Capstone Education Society today!


Please remember that all gifts may be pledged over 5 years and are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Faculty Support

NameFinancial AmountDescription
Endowed Faculty Chair$1,500,000Endowed Faculty Chair positions are intended to provide the College of Education with the resources needed to recruit and retain its most esteemed scholars and teachers – faculty members of nation and international distinction. Recipients must have demonstrated significant contributions to their fields through exceptional teaching, research, leadership, and/or scholarly excellence. These individuals are expected to be of national stature with an established track record of achievement. The annual incomes from these endowments supplement the salary for the named faculty member.
Endowed Professorship$500,000Endowed professorships recognize and reward exceptional faculty members. Professorships are a powerful tool for recruitment and retention of existing College of Education faculty. Annual income from these endowments supplements salaries for these positions or otherwise provides discretionary support to the named faculty member.
Education Faculty Support Fund$100,000These funds provide faculty support to enhance research, teaching and the advancement of knowledge within the faculty ranks. Discretionary support can be used for a variety of academic purposes including travel to academic conferences and research assistants.
Capstone Support Fund$50,000 – $25,000A gift to the Capstone Support Fund can remain unrestricted for the Dean to use at his or her discretion. Dean’s discretion funds provide key support for the College of Education and may be used in a variety of ways to support the college’s mission.

Student Scholarships

NameFinancial AmountDescription
Graduate Fellowship$200,000A graduate fellowship allows the College of Education to offer additional funding to stipends in order to recruit the best graduate and doctoral students nationally.
Eminent Student Scholarship$300,000Eminent Scholarships are offered to top students. Students who are not already assisted by substantial scholarship support, either from the University, external foundations or corporations, could be given priority consideration.
Student Scholarship$25,000Student Scholarships offer assistance for education students and may include criteria such as academic merit or financial need as a consideration. Endowed scholarships help defray the costs of tuition, and making higher education a reality for many students.

Planned Giving

Will or Living Trust A gift through a will or living trust is one of the easiest gifts you can make, and it can create a lasting impact on the future of The University of Alabama. Your estate planning attorney can include a provision in your will that could list a specific asset, a dollar amount or a percentage of your estate. A bequest could also be made from the residual of your estate after all gifts have been made to your heirs. The Office of Planned Giving can provide legal language for your will or living trust that is specific to Alabama Law.
Beneficiary DesignationOne of the simplest long-range gift arrangements is to designate the College of Education as beneficiary of all or a portion of your IRA, other retirement account or life insurance policy. Changing a beneficiary is usually quite simple and can be handled through your retirement plan administrator or your life insurance company.
Charitable Gift AnnuityA charitable gift annuity is a simple contract between you and the Capstone Foundation at The University of Alabama. You make a gift of cash or securities, and in return the University agrees to pay you and/or another person a specific amount of the rest of your life or lives. You may direct the remainder of your gift to support the program(s) in the College of Education that you specify.

For more information about these or other gift planning options, please contact the Office of Planned Giving at 205-348-0999, toll free at 888-875-4438, or email at

​For questions or information, please contact:

Stephen Abernathy, Development Officer
College of Education
Box 870231, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
(205) 348-4193