Joni Lakin

Dr. Joni Lakin

Professor, Educational Research


Joni Lakin


Ph.D.Educational PsychologyThe University of Iowa
B.S.Applied PsychologyGeorgia Institute of Technology

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2019NAGC GCQ Paper of the Year Award for Making the cut in gifted selection: Selection decisions and their impact on program diversity. National Association for Gifted Children
2014Outstanding Publication in Assessment and Accountability in Schools for Evaluating growth for ELL students: Implications for accountability policies. American Educational Research Association, Research, Evaluation, & Assessment in Schools (Div. H)

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Educational measurement, test fairness, and validity

Individual differences in cognitive and academic development

Program evaluation in science and engineering education

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* = Co-author was a student when research was initiated.

Elliott, D.C., & Lakin, J.M. (2020). Running the STEM gauntlet: The complicity of four-year universities in the transfer penalty. Research in Higher Education, 61, 540-565. doi: 10.1007/s11162-019-09586-4/ 

Wai, J., & Lakin, J.M. (2020). Finding the missing Einsteins: Expanding the breadth of cognitive and noncognitive measures used in academic services. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 63.

Lakin, J.M., Davis, V.A., & Davis, E.W. (2019). Finding fit: Alignments between career values and future career as predictors of engineering commitment for women and underrepresented minority students. International Journal of Engineering Education, 35 (1A), 168–181. 

Lakin, J.M., & Lai, E.R. (2012). Multi-group generalizability analysis of verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal ability tests for culturally and linguistically diverse students. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 72 (1), 139-158.

Lakin, J.M., & Lohman, D.F. (2011). The predictive accuracy of verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal reasoning tests: Consequences for talent identification and program diversity. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 34, 595-623.

Lakin, J.M., & Kell, H. (2020). Reasoning, problem solving, and intelligence. In R.J. Sternberg (Ed.), Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Ackerman, P.L., & Lakin, J.M. (2018). Expertise and Individual Differences. In S.I. Pfieffer (Ed.), Handbook of Giftedness in Children: Psycho-educational Theory, Research, and Best Practices (2nd ed.), pp. 65-80. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Williams, P.S., Lakin, J.M., & Kensler, L.A.W (2014). Teachers’ Perception of Teacher Leadership: A New Tool for Measuring Teacher Leadership. In N. Bond (Ed.), The Power of Teacher Leaders: Their Roles, Influence, and Impact (pp. 210-222). Routledge.

Lohman, D. F., & Lakin, J.M. (2011). Reasoning, problem solving, and intelligence. In R.J. Sternberg & S.B. Kaufman (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Lohman, D. F., & Lakin, J.M. (2007).Nonverbal test scores as one component of an identification system: Integrating ability, achievement, and teacher ratings.In J. VanTassel-Baska (Ed.), Alternative Assessments for Identifying Gifted and Talented Students (pp. 41-66). Austin, TX: Prufrock Press

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I received my Ph.D. from The University of Iowa where I studied with Dr. David Lohman in the Educational Psychology program. I am now an associate professor of Educational Research at the University of Alabama after nine years on the faculty at Auburn University. I am an affiliate of the Gifted Education and Talent Development Office (GETDO) at UA. 

My mission as an academic is to help all students have their academic talents recognized and developed fully, especially through the public school system. Aligned with that mission, my main research interests relate to the equitable use of test data, including establishing test validity and fairness evidence for a variety of purposes.  One particular focus is the design of equitable talent identification processes. I am also interested in broadening participation in STEM careers and interventions that promote STEM retention along the academic pipeline.  

I am a co-author of the Cognitive Abilities Test® (Form 8) alongside Dr. Lohman. As part of this work, I am invited to teacher conferences across the country. Some of these CogAT resources are shared on this website.