Autherine Lucy Hall


Visit the College

pink azalea bloom


To schedule a meeting about touring and attending the College of Education, please contact Dr. Carlton McHargh, Director of Student Success and Enrollment.


To speak with someone one-on-one about a graduate program, go to the program of your choosing and email the contact listed.

Group of students talking at a table outside


Graduate ProgramProgram CoordinatorEmailDepartment
AutismLucy Barnard-Braklbarnardbrak@ua.eduSpecial Education & Multiple Abilities
Collaborative, EdS and EdDLucy Barnard-Braklbarnardbrak@ua.eduSpecial Education & Multiple Abilities
Counselor EducationRyan Cookrmcook@ua.eduEducational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling
Curriculum and Instruction Doctoral ProgramKaren Spectorkspector@ua.eduCurriculum and Instruction
Early Childhood Special EdRagan McLeodrhmcleod@ua.eduCurriculum and Instruction
Ed Leadership, EdS, Instructional LeaderYvette Bynumypbynum@ua.eduEducational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies
Ed Leadership, EdS, Library MediaSteven Yatessteven.d.yates@ua.eduEducational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies
Ed Leadership, EdS, Teacher Leader/MA/Reduced Hours (RHO)Bill Bergeronwabergeron@ua.eduEducational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies
Educational Leadership, PhD/EdDJingping Sunjsun22@ua.eduEducational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies
Educational Psychology/GradHyemin Hanhhan19@ua.eduEducational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling
Educational ResearchStacey Hughey Surmanssurman@ua.eduEducational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling
Elementary and Early Childhood Cailin Kerchcjkerch@ua.eduCurriculum and Instruction
Exercise Science/Grad (PhD & MA)Mark Richardsonmtrichar@ua.eduKinesiology
GiftedJennifer Jollyjljolly1@ua.eduSpecial Education & Multiple Abilities
Higher Education, Graduate CertificateClaire Majorcmajor@ua.eduEducational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies
Higher Education, PhD/on-campus EdD/MANathaniel Braynbray@ua.eduEducational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies
Higher Education/ Exec EdDArleene Breauxapbreaux@ua.eduEducational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies
Instructional Leadership /Nurse EdDoug McKnightdmcknigh@ua.eduEducational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies
Instructional Leadership/Social and CulturalNirmala Everellesnerevell@ua.eduEducational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies
Instructional Technology, MALaura McNeilljlmcneill@ua.eduEducational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies
Instructional Technology, PhD/Graduate CertificateMargaret Ricemrice@ua.eduEducational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies
Multiple Abilities Program (MAP)Sharron Maughnsmaughn@ua.eduSpecial Education & Multiple Abilities
Rehabilitation CounselingRyan Cookrmcook@ua.eduEducational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling
School CounselingRyan Cookrmcook@ua.eduEducational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling
School PsychologyMichael Sulkowskimlsulkowski@ua.eduEducational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling
Secondary EducationMiguel Manterommantero@ua.eduCurriculum and Instruction
Severe DisabilitiesKagendo Mutuakmutua@ua.eduSpecial Education & Multiple Abilities
Sport Pedagogy/Grad (PhD & MA)Oleg Sinelnikovosinelnikov@ua.eduKinesiology